
@. . . . . . GhostBuster: this exact pictre was also posted on reddit aweek or so ago with the user claiming it is how they keep people off their wifi

@darkcrayon: the closest i can get is the building across the street... but thats still pretty off when it comes to finding a lost device.

to be honest, while find my iphone is cool, it is pretty useless.

its a shame they won't stream to windows machines... which my HTPC is. other than that its looks pretty cool

they could easily implement an option that let you choose the functionality of the switch... i don't see why they didnt just do this

@pagan_god: the only problem with the speed blocking is that it would affect people on buses and trains as well

what a terrible idea... so now when you're half crushed and bleeding in a car wreck you have no chance of calling 911, and neither do any of the people driving by.. good stuff

@Grindhouse Murders: NOVA has pretty decent controls and is overall a pretty great game for a phone.

@twothefutureandbeyond: the music industry has enough trouble trying to sell new and exciting music to kids, let alone trying to re-sell something that anyone who's been out of the womb for more than 5 years has already played out..

@shalegac: i don't think anyone is really that mad, its more that they're annoyed that this was hyped up as 'a day we'll never forget' when really, 95% of apple's fans couldn't care less about the beatles let alone paying $150 for digital copies of the songs they already own.


if this is seriously all that they're announcing tomorrow then that is super weak.

@ortizlgnd4: thats what i was going to say... i thought it was a look-a-like anyways...

@Fuzman: yeah, honestly have never had a problem with them... and using it in conjunction with tv shack is just awesome for catching up on tv shows.

@BilboTeabagins: i kinda understood when it happened to the music industry. although they deserved it for the way they acted, you could tell that they were a bunch of scared old men in a world they didn't understand.

between netflix, a megavideo account and tvshack ... i don't miss my cable one single bit

@pimas23: they have to pay after a 90 day trial though.. something all of my friends who have blackberrys refuse to do

my iphone 4 (on 4.1) updated the time correctly...

@popennell: really? that must be pretty annoying... my phone has