
i think they will provide a mail in / in store fix for anyone who can prove they have the issue / bothers to do it.

@atomicdog: i tend to agree with you here... i know a ton of my friends (in canada because its not out here yet) are waiting for the iphone 4, and none of them have any clue about any sort of reception issue.

@j14: people are buying the phones still even when the problem is in full effect, any fix will only make the situation better.

@1jaxstate1: android fanboys will never let this go, even if apple personally tracked down every iphone 4 owner and ensured that they got a replacement. this whole problem was a dream situation for the haters, no matter how truthfully bad it is in everyday use / how shortlived it turns out to be.

hard to use?! the iphone is so intuitive it doesn't even really need an instructional manual. thats reflected by the fact that its actual instruction manual is almost completely useless

to be honest, ever since this whole reception issue came up, i have been keeping note on how i hold my 3G in day to day use..

@franco1975 [Troll ]: i'd say its probably because the rest of the phone is so kickass that people refuse to give it up, they'd rather see the problem fixed.

@crystalpepsi: since launch day of the 3G .. so in a month it will be 2 years.

@crystalpepsi: i think its a combination of the two. people have a lot of problems with the iphone on AT&T but i have an iphone on Rogers in Canada and consistently have full 3G signal and have never once had a dropped call with it.

@dennis636223: thats not necessarily true, there have been weirder things fixed by firmware updates.

@dennis636223: it also protects the most likely points a phone is going to hit on when dropped, without interfering with the glass face / back.

@bornonbord: you can press the clicker on the headphones / on your bluetooth headset instead of the home button

how well is that blackberry storm doing again?

dropping a phone is definitely not something that is bound to happen. maybe if you're a careless person you're bound to drop it. but i have never dropped my 3G, not once, and it has been on countless drinking escapades with me over the past 2 years.

ooh, bad call apple. i was really stoked on the iphone 4... now i dunno. this is really something that needs to be fixed... some phones don't have the problem?

So, what they're proposing is that Apple built an entirely different version of iOS that bricks itself if it doesnt receive the correct baseband update?

@angstman: yeah i did... because i really don't care whether apple knows where i live. there are tons of companies who know where i and millions of other people live... its not like they're going to firebomb me

@kewlguy001: there's one in the engadget review...

Whenever my 3G reports its GPS while i'm in my apartment, it reports it seriously about 20km away... i'm not worried.