
Cruise is a known moron.

I have a twelve year old boy, and I can assure you that he knows he has one.

OH MY GOD. HER 12-YEAR-OLD NEPHEW MIGHT DISCOVER A PENIS!!!! <insert gif of ship, already sailed>

That's what they said about the pancreas and where are those people now?

My cat passed away on the 21st. :´(

18 square feet per cat, not 1800. You’d need 1800 (and then some) if you were going to have 100 cats. And also some thorazine and a full time cleaning staff.

I’m sorry to hear about your cat. =( Losing an animal is so hard and I want to give you an internet hug.

I’m so sorry about your departed beloved asshole cat. Asshole cats are the best cats.

Awww, I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your old asshole cat. Mine just celebrated his 15th last month and I’m getting worried about how much longer he’ll be with me. I adopted him when he was 6 months old, so he’s like...grafted himself into my life, pretty much.

My husband I have found that four is the perfect number. There’s never an odd one out, and enough variety of playmates to keep them happy and interested and fit because of all the playing.

I’ll take 100 of these please.

Even with vaccines and neutering, it can be hard to keep a large group of cats healthy - their immune systems are not designed for group living, they’re not herd animals. Each cat needs a minimum of eighteen square feet of space, too, but the more, the better. There also may be ordinances where you live about how many

I have a friend who makes her own fortune cookies with the darkest, most existentially fucking depressing messages inside them. Like: “Love is a chemical illusion,” and “The whistle on your life jacket will attract no attention,” and “Entropy always wins in the end, asshole.”

Another unpopular opinion - I love ALW but Cats is crapola.

I think every result is cat lady.

My beloved asshole cat died earlier this year, and it’s been unexpectedly difficult to unshackle myself from my cat lady identity. I’m travelling a lot, so it doesn’t make sense to get another furry fuckface right now, but I feel bereft. Not just of a cat, but my of my truest, most essential self.

Classic Patty.

“They’re just asking about what time we’re gonna close and they just didn’t sound like they were white”

Will climb up Mount Everest but lock their doors when they see a black person.

White people. LOL.