
Lie down with dogs...

Still better than Celine Dion.

Church is big business.

She needs more Jew and gun victim shaming.

Building her workforce.

Expanded health care coverage: I am uninsured as a direct result of the ACA.

It’s a typo, should read Tacki Bar.

She seems like she would be a very compassionate stepmother.


Makes Boehner hold the ashtray.

Her god is money.

Hell to the no.

And now she is going to hell for dancing with Huckabee.

She is the epitome of the adage “Living well is the best revenge”

No one should ever do anything they don’t want to because religion.

Her nails?

They have a bar on the wing?

So how long before the women Wayans has raped start coming out?

Thank goodness no one made fun of Rob Ford’s appearance.

The best she’s looked in years.