
Any scene with Marty Feldman was a winner in my book

Thank you for the correction. Where’s “Murder by Death” on that list?? It needs to be in the top 100 for sure.

And they still remain funny to this day.

Totally agree. I like Woody Allen (his movies, that is) but Annie Hall has to be one of the most overrated films I’ve ever seen.

That’s just Abby Normal.

I never really got the appeal of Annie Hall either. Maybe because all of its clever techniques have all been borrowed and refined by decades of other movies and sitcoms? Or maybe because it’s a little harder these days to see Woody Allen as not a total pervert? And your right, it’s a real downer of a movie.

I wouldn’t put Ghostbusters at #1 (not even sure it’d make my top ten) and I think you’ve got Blazing Saddles severely underrated but otherwise a pretty solid list.

It's almost like comedy is subjective and this list is totally pointless!


Annie Hall? Annie fucking Hall? In what way is this punch to the nutsack with a steel fist funny? Sorry, this entire list is invalid because of this poor choice.

I forgot, did they ever get him to sign one?

Trump’s people are outlining the “books at speeches” policy as we speak. They can’t decide if they should confiscate all books or just books that seem to oppose their candidate. Also under consideration: a bonfire.

If more people read, they wouldn’t be attending Trump rallies.

“If you don’t knit, bring a book.”

Gotta love this young lady and her bravery. Pretty sure people reading is gonna scare anyone who supports trump. You don’t need to read, you just need to listen to the man and his infinite wisdom. I hope the republicans nominate trump so he can get destroyed in the north and on the left coast and they can go back to

You would confuse a lot of trump supporters with that reading. The whole left to right, top to bottom, that stuff is confusing for them.

His supporters are likely to believe that people who can read are witches and should be burned.

I hope you remembered your towel

Or she was excercising her FREEDOM not to engage in meaningless displays of patriotism. How loudly you sing the anthem or how straight you stand for the pledge doesn’t show how patriotic you are - it’s all a show for other people. If you were truly patriotic, you’d defend the values that make this country great -

Rather than being upset at her, Trump supporters should be praising her and following her example. Maybe if more of them started reading, and learning about the issues being discussed in this campaign, they'd realize how wrongheaded the Donald's ideas are.