I forgot, did they ever get him to sign one?
I forgot, did they ever get him to sign one?
You can have many heroes. Look at Lord of the Rings, soo soo many heroes and you don’t even have to choose just one.
Trump’s people are outlining the “books at speeches” policy as we speak. They can’t decide if they should confiscate all books or just books that seem to oppose their candidate. Also under consideration: a bonfire.
If more people read, they wouldn’t be attending Trump rallies.
“If you don’t knit, bring a book.”
Gotta love this young lady and her bravery. Pretty sure people reading is gonna scare anyone who supports trump. You don’t need to read, you just need to listen to the man and his infinite wisdom. I hope the republicans nominate trump so he can get destroyed in the north and on the left coast and they can go back to…
You would confuse a lot of trump supporters with that reading. The whole left to right, top to bottom, that stuff is confusing for them.
His supporters are likely to believe that people who can read are witches and should be burned.
I hope you remembered your towel
Or she was excercising her FREEDOM not to engage in meaningless displays of patriotism. How loudly you sing the anthem or how straight you stand for the pledge doesn’t show how patriotic you are - it’s all a show for other people. If you were truly patriotic, you’d defend the values that make this country great -…
Rather than being upset at her, Trump supporters should be praising her and following her example. Maybe if more of them started reading, and learning about the issues being discussed in this campaign, they'd realize how wrongheaded the Donald's ideas are.
Let the woman have her quiet protest of reading. If she not actively trying to hurt people, let it go.
Johari, girl, you my hero.
Yeah about that...ESPN, Fox, NBC, and I’ll even throw in CBS, couldn’t do this even if they wanted to. The NFL has such a stronghold on them with the TV contracts that any reporter for them would probably be fired if they even thought about publishing a series like this.
Well he is cut from the same cloth as the idiots who claim fervently that Bush kept America safe for 8 years.
Well, I mean, technically he is correct — no one ever asked Obama or Clinton why they lied about meeting Gen Westmoreland or pretended to stab a guy or invented stickup or created an imaginary Most Honest Student award at Yale that makes so sense. So they’ve never faced exactly the kind of scrutiny that Carson has.
I speak from painful experience: He’s a narcissist. When a narcissist needs to, they rewrite their history, and they then completely believe it to be true. They don’t even consider that it’s a lie. To anyone who isn’t a narcissist (or a sociopath, I think), it’s utterly baffling. But to them, the world has nothing to…
Carson called the questions “irrelevant,” adding that none of the Democratic hopefuls had received such scrutiny.
Reality has a liberal bias