Technically this happened while men were on the way to space, but Sy Liebergot is a boss. He was Apollo’s primary EECOM flight controller and his knowledge of his systems saved Apollo 12.
Technically this happened while men were on the way to space, but Sy Liebergot is a boss. He was Apollo’s primary EECOM flight controller and his knowledge of his systems saved Apollo 12.
I’d be in at about $18-20k but $23k is legit new car territory. It’s hurts to say it, though, because slap some Blizzaks on that thing and winter would become my favourite season.
Field trips in the 90s were boring haha
Wow these are all fantastic, and look like most are from Apollo 17 (Cernan was commander). I can’t read or learn enough about these missions, they’re just so amazing from so many different perspectives.
What percentage of Model Xs will be in the shop with frontend/corner damage within the first month? Who is going to be the first to “Ludicrous mode” right into a telephone pole?
Assuming you sell it back to CarMax once the warranty is close to ending, does CarMax then sell the same kind of warranty to the next owner? At that point the car is what, 8 years old?
You’re very right, Doug. And when people start driving those highly boosted engines with enthusiasm, they’ll realize they have the power of large displacement and the same economy too!
I’ve only done a few days so far and most have been solid. The “worst” experience (and I use that term lightly) was that my front left tire got loose and was moving around quite a lot. I suspect the technician that inspected my car at the local Crappy Tire before I went didn’t know the exact VW Golf torque specs.…
For the benefit of drag strip rookies like myself, what should you have done?
You mention the different parameters, which is what I thought they’d be doing, but in an earlier article you mentioned specifically setting the car into a Dyno mode for this very reason. Perhaps it’s not even necessary to check for the onboard sensors?
if driven nicely.
I find this whole VW thing so interesting because I’m a big VW fan, despite having my first Golf go up in flames (I’ll stop bringing that up, I promise!). I would say that most enthusiast buyers are probably willing to look past the issues because they recognize the benefits of a diesel, even with a potential loss of…
I really want a Defender, or any other classic 4x4, for that matter. Hopefully there’s a restoration project in my future!
Mike, have you ever been to a Passat launch that actually was exciting and jubilant?
Everybody back! I’ve got starch!
Negative! I have all 10 fingers, and a ring from Engineers Canada :D
That’s OK, people can think whatever they want. Some of the stuff I posted (2nd photo) is connected to gear far more advanced than Arduino. I like using it because it’s quick to get running and it has a huge community. Here it is connected to a full Linux box running Ubuntu and Robot Operating System.
Do we know about long term availability? I’d like to know if they’ll build more if the demand is there.