“This time, don’t be afraid to lean into it.”
“This time, don’t be afraid to lean into it.”
oh my god. this is the best and just how i wanted to picture them together. i think we all desperately needed this affirmation in our lives right now.
Here’s a remarkable paragraph about some remarkable human beings penned by (I assume) a remarkable writer:
That’s a pretty stark correlation.
When people ask what happened here, tell them that winter came for House Pornhub, and lots of people didn’t.
I’ve never seen any of these films (my age and my unwillingness to be triggered has prevented me), but I really wish there were more movies that talked about diet culture and how it leads to EDs.
I have been talking about it all morning. It’s irresponsible of her to post that to her millions of young fans who won’t understand it’s not real. Now theres a whole slew of women who think this is achievable and normal and that they are somehow less if they don’t look this at 4 weeks postpartum.
Is no one going to discuss that photoshopped taut belly?
Counterpoint: No they won’t. These kids will never interact with the peasants of the world. Having a funny name doesn’t matter when you’re an elite.
This is the ongoing faux-intellectualism of the Right.
Not sure I see what the problem is. Fair and balanced is fair and balanced.
Full sincerity here; we’ll miss you and your writing here. I’m continually sad to see so many brilliant writers leaving this place, but I understand. It’s tough watching this place get slowly defanged and made increasingly mainstream and Voxian, but damn if you all aren’t magnificent at what you do.
So since we care about law and order so much there’s definitely an investigation into who raped her, and that guy is going to be arrested, yes?
Women’s clothing is inherently different than men’s clothing. They make workplace dresses with no sleeves for women. I’ve worn them with no problem in Corporate America for years. I can’t think of a male equivalent. Even the most casual male business shirts have sleeves. They can’t just arbitrarily change the rules…
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?
The free world... all of Christendom... is at war with Islamic horror.
“Could you imagine the outrage if there was a male only festival? During White History Month!”
Understatement on the year. 23 sexual assaults is not “misbehaving”, it’s Rape.
Honestly, as someone who’s attended a lot of festivals in the past, I’d love a festival without dudes.
Wasn’t their original plan to lower premiums? Are they even trying to do what they said they would?