
She doesn’t care what I think. I am the primary corrupting agent among the mad, mad, changing world. Both inlaws do not understand how toddlers work and have on numerous occasions tried to give her something dangerous or poisonous in her earliest years. Somehow, by the grace of whatever, their child survived being

Yes, there are degrees in which your liberal card is both sanctioned and denied. Clearly your card needs to be denied. Jeebus. The overlords of gender performance (spiteful inlaws) says you kind of fucked up. He gets only blue, “stud” or “ladykiller” t-shirts, no cuddly toys, and absolutely NOTHING pink. What is the

Still won’t prevent my MIL from supplying my daughter with pink frilly crap to combat my “liberal-commie” parenting agenda. Maybe they should add that as a filter instead. Under it you will find the Das Kapital boardbook, granola, cloth diapers, fairness, and a bug garden.

Somehow, some way, I am getting this put on my gravestone.

“Nazi Man-hating Fire-breathing Lesbian Dragons.” I am not a Nazi...but the rest stands.

Right? Hello, good lookin! The before/after looks, the insightful perspective and the note about how kind a (good) stylist is, the overall heart of the piece... Just...mreow. Crushing hard.

Oh, you. Stop making sense right this very instant!

“independent (white, male, no kids) prosecutor”

I took that to mean, coupled with the “this was the fourteenth time the police had been called to the house” that she is to blame since she could *just* leave and maybe the officer factored that into why no action was taken on his part. This is seems so pervasive about attitudes of DV victims, but maybe I am just

As a (former) Nevadan, he was great for our state. He is sort of a badass and a hero. Not sure people would say the same for his leadership nationally. But did this make me weirdly proud? Oh fuck yes. Keep swingin, Senator.

All has to do with the “right” kind of people. White people= revelers, black people = thugs.

Sure. If he meant that “as likely as we are to find sentient life on Mars” were his chances to begin with.

Well that is just fucking depressing. Why in the world would you consider her a friend? She seems like a real peach.

Whiskey and Waffles are my gingercats, so no. But whiskey and waffles are delicious, so yes.

Why are you so tethered by logic? Gross.

I wonder why some of the same people who get their undies in a twist over these things don’t have a stroke over 90+% of our sacred symbols of ‘merica flags being made in China unless it is at a military base? Domestic labor policies are hard to think about?

“”I like seeing what you can do!” this warmed my cold, dead heart a little. Props to a good find in that guy.

Sephora shops give free mini makeovers and use a variety of brands! MAC over in the Pearl is just magnificent. But then it is fun to go to shop the counters at the Malls and get to know their product lines every so often. I tend to gravitate to Sephora for most of the essentials, then haunt some beauty you tubers to

Come find me, boo. I got you.

Hey fellow Portlander! Just don’t do the equivalent of walking into someones house, take a huge dump, and then complain about the smell. Also, you are in great hands with MUAs around here and I highly encourage you to try out a few places when you have the time since they all train or perceive the products’ capability