Whiskered Sot

Imagine being forcibly kissed by Donald Trump.

I don’t think I’ve seen Practical Magic but my best girl friend had the soundtrack back then. Nick Drake was on it! There was that and the Kate-Winslet-in-India (I think) movie that featured who was my man at the time.

We’ll always have him and his bare ass in Blink.

J’adore Bridget Fonda so no argument from moi.

whose credits include films like Elektra and Lake Placid

I’ve been going to the movies a lot lately (thanks, MoviePass!) and this trailer has been attached to nearly every one. So tired of it. Glad it’s finally opening so I won’t have to see it anymore.

Eh, I liked them both at the time, what can I say. Them being non non-fiction didn’t lessen my enjoyment.

actress Dominique Huett

What about Joey Chicago who fought under the name Kid Minneapolis? He once had a fight in Cincinnati.

Even black rural areas?

Look at his respect for the flag.

There’s Body Bags and Holidays and From Beyond the Grave. Those exist.

Eighties me ❤’d Page Hannah so yes please.

Yeahhhhhhhhh.......never heard of this guy and none of these roles are familiar to me. This column is better when the actor has decades of movie work.


It’s 4:30 and TV Guide says “Springfield of Dreams: The Legend of Homer Simpson” should be starting of FOX but there’s a footsball game on. What gives?

That movie sucks. It’s the first time I fell asleep at the movies and when I tried to watch it again it was sooooooo boring.

Close Encounters Of The Third Kind...E.T....Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Star Trek IV, Cocoon...Batteries Not Included

I too am easily one to be sucked off.

I saw it in a huge one-screen old-timey theater in ‘93 or ‘94 and it was magnificent. You can see details much better, like the flowerbed Jeff scrutinizes through his binoculars.