
I think when he says stuff like “a lot of people don’t know this but Iraq has some of the largest oil reserves in the world...” what he really means is that he JUST found this out and he assumes, since he is the greatest, smartest guy of all time, that no one else could possibly have known if he didn’t know.

he spent a third of his time with Clinton on questions about her private email server

Let’s just assume he’s a fiscal Republican and progressive on all important social issues. Otherwise I will no longer be able to watch him with amusement and delight.

I think that’s it exactly. Comedy works best when it’s punching up, not down. You can make fun of the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch and politicians on both sides of the aisle all you want, because at the end of the day they still have the money and power and privilege that you’re probably mocking them for having in

“I’m sensitive and I’d like to stay that way.
But also, Ann Coulter’s a cunt.”

And it’s really good beer, too.

Schlafly is dead, huh? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yup. She sued her... nephew I think for trying to use the Schlafly name for his brewery because being associated with alcohol was unchristian and would hurt her image. She lost.

They didn’t love her. She was suing them for using the Schlafly name for their own businesses.

I’m crying on the toilet, and I didn’t even have Chipotle yesterday.

How many times do they have to tell you they don’t start serving lunch until 10:15? Your fault at this point imo

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.

I never know what to say when someone knocks. “Hello”? “Occupied”? “I’m in here”? (They don’t know who *I* am!) It’s so awkward.

Yeah, Republicans had this coming-

I’m physically disabled - whenever I see or hear disability being used as a slur, it’s a gut punch. When what you are is considered the biggest insult you can throw at another person and it’s used so regularly so casually, you are made very aware of your position as a second class citizen. I know that a lot of common

Right, I feel like it kinda makes it worse, if that was even possible.

My thoughts exactly. Having worked with my local disabled community since I was a teenager and having several friends who are themselves or have disabled kids THAT DOESNT MAKE IT BETTER ANN.

“It’s OK, he wasn’t mocking that journalist, he was mocking *all* disabled people! Stop being so sensitive!”

he was doing a standard retard, waving his arms and sounding stupid

Interestingly, I received an email from the Clinton campaign asking for donations for the Red Cross and/or the Baton Rouge Area Foundation to help out those affected by the floods.