
"Man, I have the rottenest luck."

Other western countries allow teenagers to make informed medical choices even ones contrary to the wishes of the parents as soon as the patient is old enough to reasonably understand the treatment and consequences thereof. Its only in America that children are basically treated as property until the age of majority.

This delights me.

Anti-vaxxers make me absolutely BONKERS. I just cannot handle these types of people! And sorry, but your tenacious desire to maintain your delusions is not so sacrosanct that you should be allowed to put others at risk.

The crazy thing is that even when women "stay in their roles" rape still happens. Stay at home moms get raped (often by their spouses, which many conservatives say cannot happen). Traditional "femme" women get raped. Church-going women get raped. NUNS have gotten raped, for crying out loud (and yes, I've met one).

"I almost foam at the mouth in disgust, but I try to be pleasant."

No, the children aren't monsters. But the adult in charge really shouldn't encourage them to think that what they are doing is cute and praiseworthy. My sister once tried, when she was two, to flush the cat down the toilet. My Dad stopped her and scolded her, even though it was Freakin Hilarious. He did not take

I hate the "seen" remark on Facebook Messenger; sometimes I read a message and go, "Oh, I'll respond to that when I'm not grocery shopping / poopin / running out the door / whatever" and then they're going I KNOW YOU SAW MY STUFF SIX HOURS AGO and I'm returning fire with WHATEVER I HAVE A LIFE YOU KNOW. Internet,

I got a little drunky on Saturday and ordered EIGHT pink Christmas trees online. In various shades of pink, such as "cupcake". And not the tabletop ones, I really went for it. I ordered a Christmas Forest.

Believe victims, guys. Even if we don't like who they are as people, or they're "tryhards" or their art is dumb. Believe them.

You know what I like about Raven's response? She clears the rumors about herself up, asks to be left out, and does not rush to defend him or refute any other women's claims (Ahem, cough cough, friends of Woody Allen).

Her cat sucks at fetch. Mine used to actually FETCH things and expect you to throw them again for her.

She had a special love for sparkley pom-poms. She kept them in her water bowl.

As you do.

Are you absolutely positive you're not 250?

In my experience, old people looooooove bright hair. I like encouraging them to take the leap and dye theirs. Why not? Their grandkids would love it!

Ugh, seriously.

Yes, this is the place where you can complain about that. I like a 2-inch heel—nothing more. It's really had to find! Also, there doesn't seem to be any recognition by shoemakers that a 3-inch heel on a size 6 foot results in a steeper slant than a 3-inch heel on a larger foot.

I'm normally picky about my alco....I can't even say that with a straight face. Will Kettle chips do?

But it just bugs me, because we already pay more than enough taxes toward actual social services.