
You really can’t underestimate the importance noticing the tiny details while engaging in fisticuffs.

I slightly respect Jesse Alexander for apparently screaming back at Mcshane. If Ian Mcshane even slightly raised his voice at me, I'd probably fall into a corner and start weeping.

This is what HBO understands that so many other networks don’t.”

Preach. Along with the Giving of Fewer Fucks, one of the effects of aging is the Not Giving Any Fucks About What The Kids Are Doing. I want to watch women onscreen who do things, whose faces look lived-in, who have the same gripes & insecurities I do... but I’m not in the demographic where a lot of people are bending

I’ll see if I can dig up my Senegalese pumpkin soup recipe for you. I haven’t made it in awhile.

You’ve been watching a few too many episodes of Justified, I think ;).

Do you have any idea how many women’s lives and careers have been ruined just by someone’s words alone without a single shred of proof? Sucks that it can now happen to men too, doesn’t it?

Due process is exactly what’s happening. It’s standard human resources procedure to put people on leave while credible allegations are investigated. There are enough witnesses that the company has already talked to to make it a credible allegation. Read the details instead of reacting to the headlines. “Due Process”

Let’s not pretend they just took ONE WOMAN’s word for it and acted swiftly. They knew all along and knew that there is a chance more women will come forward about his starfishing ways and didn’t want to lose sponsors.

She has proof of their abusive relationship. She hasn’t released it but she is holding on to it in case he sues her.

This is hitting me hard this morning and I’m still trying to come to grips. I’m currently doing the work to try to get a handle on my depression and it’s so fucking hard. And it’s expensive and time consuming and draining! But I’m hoping there is light on the other side. But when I hear about Anthony and Kate Spade,

Wow, really? They were uncensored in the broadcast tonight. Archer tells Noah, “You are the fucking worst!” and the afore mentioned, “Nazi punks fuck off!” from Crackers.

8 sock balls and two unpaired slippers but not a thread more. Don’t let them gouge you.

Mine does dishwasher repair.

Those cats have nothing on my Cirque de Soliel spaz.

I always lose it whenever I see a photo of an especially fluffy cat.

I trained my cat to do HVAC and washer/dryer units so these Ukranian broads can suck it

I was doing the exact same thing as I was reading your post. Like, c’mon! I watch ‘Coronation Street’! How hard can this be?

Ron is a libertarian that can actually survive off the land and make all the things he needs. He’s not a pseudo one that lives in an HOA (Rand Paul) and just hates taxes. He also hates corporations and supports women’s rights and married to a school principal. He’d probably have a lot of issues with this