They know “shrill” is the word that carries the baggage they want to convey— mouthy bossy ballbuster woman— so that’s what they go with, even when she’s the opposite of shrill.
They know “shrill” is the word that carries the baggage they want to convey— mouthy bossy ballbuster woman— so that’s what they go with, even when she’s the opposite of shrill.
I cannot and will not listen to him. That fucking voice triggers my everything. I’ll read the transcripts, but you cannot make me sit still for that voice. That screechy, reedy, shrill, nagging abuser’s voice with the semiaitomatic repetitions, UGH.
Time will tell if this is true, but these are giving me life right now...
No. I realize we are all limited to our lived experience, but your experience here is not analogous with what this doctor did or what people commonly refer to as FGM.
Yes, but there’s a time and a place to talk about nonconsentual circumcision of the penis. Generally speaking, it’s not when talking about forced clitorectomies, since that’s a specific problem that has proven pernicious and needs to be stamped out.
Oh, the irony. I wonder how the CFO of Conde Nast feels about this.
You mean he’s a) “worse than a Democrat” or b) “has a New York sense of humour” or c) “Gets a free pass from Hollywood” (I mean he doesn’t but it’s a euphemism) or d) “Is really good with money” or e) “Doesn’t work on Saturdays” or f) “Eats babies on urine-soaked Christian altars under an inverted cross what do you…
They tried very hard, and an election that the GOP should’ve won by 30 points, they won by only six or seven points. We’re talking dark red, heart-of-the-GOP territory in Kansas. A single-digit win is freaking them out.
Wichita is the home of Koch Industries, and also where the Koch brothers work—-the major Republican donors who donate to conservative candidates everywhere and hosts Republican gatherings at least once every year. The DNC and DCCC didn’t spend money there because they didn’t think they could outspend the Koch brothers…
My job is my job. My catharsis is cross-stitching and no one can take that from me.
They’ll be playing “skins vs blouses” in heaven tonight. :’(
RIP, Charlie! I know when you get to heaven, Prince will welcome you with open arms. And pancakes!
It’s tinfoily of me, but it kind of fits my pet theory, and thus my chagrin that legislative R’s seem to be getting a pass, that Republicans in the legislature knew there was going to be something pretty big coming down the pipe for Trump and have been delaying it so they could get Gorsuch through.
I assume the other party in the murder suicide was a grizzly bear.
It only stuck me last week how... constructed her voice is.
I will happily drink Martha’s wine, because I firmly believe she’s a woman who knows how to get good and wine drunk. As I do at lunch every day.
Make fun of me if you want, I love this kind man and his music. I’m glad he finally gets to enjoy being himself. Go Barry! Go Barry!
The guys on ‘Pod Save America’ say all the time “remember what used to be a scandal?” Obama got even the slightest actions picked over (“remember when Chavez gave him a book and he didn’t immediately throw it away?”), Trump just skates on by.