
When the angry T-Rex corners the huntress in a box canyon, it seems more interested in her wet womanhood than in her flesh.

I kind of don’t care, but I do think it’s frustrating for someone to make a huge deal out of not wearing any make-up but then wear “some” anyway. Why the “some”? And why not just say you are wearing some? Because if the point is to encourage ladies to feel comfortable being make-up free, and you aren’t comfortable

It’s true, but it’s also true that she said she stopped wearing makeup because of the unrealistic expectations for appearance that women face, so wearing makeup and pretending you aren’t wearing makeup is just as bad as photoshop and crazy contouring in terms of setting up unreasonable expectations for how women

Mattis and others are trying to but he does not want to listen. Remember, he is NEVER wrong.

For fuck’s sake, I am getting WAY too much mileage out of this gif this year:

“Us Dems” need to realize that shit takes time. That every additional thing is a brick in the wall of a case. One of the biggest mistakes I keep seeing made is some of us thinking that there is one thing that takes him down. No, a case of things will take him down.

I’m sorry that tweet is hilarious.

fyi i recently discovered that animaniacs is available for streaming on netflix

1.) Defensive much? If you voted for Clinton, guess what, we’re not talking about you. So take a seat.

Seriously?! Stop. Just Stop. No politicians are making laws to stop and gerrymander your vote so it’s worthless, no police are checking your papers calling you illegals, saying you are not really American despite being here before America was a concept and no one is shooting your babies, husbands and or brothers down

This is the boss chicken Link fights in The Legend of Zelda when Link attacks too many chickens.

“You wear a disguise to look like human guys...”

I know, the thought is disgusting. And that’s one of the many bizarre things about Quiverfull - they’re supposed to go from never having kissed or front-hugged to being babymaking machines overnight. NOT a healthy way to start having sex. And according to the Duggars’ own philosophy, a wife should never, ever deny her

she has no way to support herself or her children even if she did leave.

He’s got a similar expression to when he first met with Obama after Election Day - the look of a man who just sat through a talk with someone where he didn’t understand 2/3rd of the words they used or any of the concepts explored. He’s putting on his tight-lipped no-teeth “smile” to get him through until he can flip

that’s the impression I get, too!!!! I get the impression from his body language and all that she tore him a new one and he’s seething about it because how could a WOMAN talk to him like that.

Oh I bet she handed it to him in the private meetings. When the reporter asks if they discussed NATO and Trump takes a sec, and then he says “Talked about many things” you can tell he’s pissed oh I hope she said something witty and cutting and smart and it sticks in his orange craw for all eternity.

This is why Republicans always get into trouble when they try and cut budgets, simply because most of their base is dependent on government programs (especially Medicare and Social Security). So screaming about wasteful government elects them but once the rubes that voted them in realize they were talking about them