
Seneca Falls!

Also a testament to Americans’ short memories. (I’m American.)

Keep an eye on Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska (she hates the far right of her party, which almost took her out and she’s pro gay marriage and not at all a loon) and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine (a social liberal and pro choice). I can’t imagine they’d go along with any of this. They can still pass this with Mike Pence

I’m still angry at people who didn’t give enough of a shit to vote, voted third party because they thought HRC was “the same” or worse than Trump, and those that voted Trump as a fun little protest vote, not thinking he’d actually be elected

But it’s women’s fault for becoming pregnant. Why do men have to pay for any of it?! [/sarcasm]

Yep, that’s my guess, too.

I did the same. Simply could not take off for work, but I want my presence felt there somehow. Donated money to planned parenthood as a make-up for it.

Binary arbitrary things are hard to remember and someone had a brain fart.

I do, too. But if I was using it something official, particularly something as prominent as a magazine cover, I would check first.

I tell the two symbols apart with a mnemonic device that associates the arrow pointing up with an erect penis. I know I’m not the only one who does this, at least I hope not.

There is no such thing as a cheap Ferrari, they might be cheap to buy but they’re never cheap to run, even the poverty-spec Dino 208s cost a fortune.

How doyou feel about making phone calls? It feels so good!

Counterpoint: Phish and the Grateful Dead are absolutely fucking terrible. I hate Joe but even a broken clock blah blah blah.

Schumer is actually pretty savvy. I have hope with him as the minority leader in the Senate. Afterall, he was head of DSCC when the Democrats won a ton of seats in 2006.

ill be there!

This type of energy is good for Democrats and must be channeled for grassroots organizing in opposing Trump’s agenda, the 2018 midterms and in local races across the country. Now that the Republicans are in complete control (as they were last decade), it’s time to give them a taste of their own medicine.

I thought calling himself “The British Millhouse” was spot on self-deptrication