What, are you saying all gay men are shallow? I resemble that remark!
What, are you saying all gay men are shallow? I resemble that remark!
lawmakers don’t gaf about anyone unless it affects them personally. reactionary garbage.
Republicans think Trump should be president and it’s marijuana that’s dangerous. Hilarious.
he thought the Ku Klux Klan was “OK, until he learned that they smoked marijuana.
You have to pretty reprehensible if Joe Jackson’s daughter thinks you’re that bad.
She’s a mean girl and a bully and doesn’t seem to be a particularly good people person, so indeed, Trump appointed the perfect asshole to engage with the public.
That is dirty, LaToya. Dirty.
The first part of that statement is wrong—if he had a long memory, he wouldn’t need a fucking list.
LaToya knows what’s up.
“We’re keeping a list”
Yeah, it’s weird. I’m from upstate NY but don’t live there anymore, and the unchanging craziness of the state machine is always impressive. I mean, today there was an announcement about free college for in-staters who make under 125K (no mention as to how it will be funded...but even just pledging to make it…
And I think you could make the argument that, astonishing as it may be, Carl is actually worse than Trump.
Miniature version of Hillary and Donald. You may not want either, but one is objectively better than the other which in and of itself is terrifying because of how bad the “good” one is.
Yep. He does something good then turns around and does something like this where you want to bang your head against the wall.
I appreciate that the chamber of commerce in Texas I saw against this, but I do think we shouldn’t be fighting these bills mainly on economic grounds. The problem inherent in that is that the economic effect that was so noticeable in places like North Carolina might have less effect in Texas, a state with a much…
Shit sandwich or shit sandwich with shit schmear
I know it feels that way, but both sides pull strings. A lot of GOP were upset at Obama’s frequent use of Exec. Order.
I think you mean the “Exxon-Mobil Red Bull Why America is Awesome” textbooks of the future.
Assuming that we don’t all die in a nuclear holocaust, our grandchildren will have plenty of scandals to read about in the AP US History textbooks of the future.