
God, fuck Texas and all the others. Like, what, 12 states or something, run by Republicans, investigated the videos and found NO WRONGDOING. Sorry, dicks, you can’t use that as an excuse! I don’t know how decent progressive-minded people can live in places like this. I’d be angry every single day (well, angrier than

Carrie brought her mom Mac and Cheese. Why is this making me cry?

I really love Obama but Ikea wouldn’t even sell that table. And I imagine Trumps White House decor involving a lot of sumptuous classy velvet and gold foil. Uhhhhgg I just dry heaved.

Also it makes me sad to think that Hillary doesn’t get to decorate the Oval Office. It would have probably been so nice. Maybe a “Boho Chic” vibe, or something comfortable and inviting.

Trump and Saddam Hussein have the same decorator.

I suspect it looks better in person. Mica’s super reflective, so there’s a good chance it’s the table equivalent of that face powder that makes celebrities look like they have chalk on their faces in flash photographs.

You don’t like this style?

Just want to throw her some super-extra respect for recognizing that she could not perform her job role in this case and actually, you know, resigning that job. As someone likely to encounter a difficult professional moral landscape within the next 4-8 years I have been giving this a good deal of though and appreciate

“the next one will be even worse”

The next one will have a cheap gold veneer painted on it that will immediately crumble off at the slightest touch. We will overpay for it. It will be made entirely by foreign labour. It will be the perfect representation of the Petulant Child’s regime.

Ha, that was my thought earlier looking at all those pictures. That table is gross and I don’t like the couches either. But it’s better than what it about to be turned into...

You mean an iTable?

The table has more political experience than the president elect so of course it will be DRAINED with the rest of the swamp.

Isn’t that something President Snow does in the last Hunger Games book?

Nah, Putin holds all the cards, he is just being smug. Trump should be worried though, because they obviously have him on a very short leash. Putin obviously thinks Trump’s first action will be to undo Obama’s actions - and that isn’t going to go over well for much of the GOP in Washington, notably Graham and McCain.

This is like when President Snow invited all of the kids to his palace for “their” protection.

That, or Putin isn’t going to do anything because he already knows how things are going to go with his puppet, I mean the U.S. president-elect.

Anyone else get the sense that the Obama administration and Democrats are setting something up? Some larger, invisible machinery might be at work.

Putin: *does increasingly creepy things we can’t do anything about or even really understand because we don’t have his james bond villain brain*