
I pre-ordered that new Hitler book that got the shade-write-up in the NYT and it was delivered weeks ago....and I REFUSE to read it until we know we’re safe.

Patience...they might still bring charges. Both prosecution and defense used an argument that he was fully aware.

Eh, I think his demise would be less actually being corrupt, and more he so loudly condemned others for potentially being corrupt.

SHHHHH....logic and The American Dream have no place here.

That’s because “literal dumpster fire” is just a libtard talking point so he couldn’t use it.

daytime TV’s version of an antibiotic resistant strain of MRSA, The View.

Her emails killed Vince Foster there. Duh.

More GOP gaslighting...

Who was the original Never Trumper, if I can ask?

“Boy, rarely have I recalled a story that is so wildly plausible and implausible simultaneously.”

I’m relying on David Plouffe’s twitter for my panic-meter. When he panics, then I will.

I don’t know what part of this story is the worst.

Because everything is her fault, obviously. EVERYTHING.

Cannot bring myself to be upset by this with how things are going.

Shit, even the Animaniacs had that joke down.

Some dude on Fox news repeatedly referred to her as Mrs. Bill Clinton last night.

Fair enough. I’m still going to be mad about a fraud/RICO case plus a rape case that’s civil. But I get your point.

You could tell he was thinking it when he said, “nasty woman.”

Perhaps my point should be he made an awfully big deal out of the email announcement meaning the criminal investigation being back on in earnest (and saying unless it comes back with guilty it’s rigged), whereas his are still full-steam ahead and always have been?

Oh, come on. It was only a matter of time before one of them did it on an official account.