Somewhere on Twitter, generic Deplorable Mike is screaming about how Starbucks is only for elites and why don’t they make coffee beans in the US anymore?!?
I’m drinking every night. Not enough to get drunk, but to take the edge off. I wish I had weed.
Rick Wilson and Liz Mair (two Repub strategists) also think this weekend is going to get fucked up. They keep tweeting there’s one more giant oppo on Trump, which if there is, it needs to GET MOVING.
Former? Current just endorsed him:
Also, what makes me feel ill about this guy suggesting HRC be shot (Yes, it was a “joke” how funny/s) is how when men disagree with men, they scream, yell, call names, etc., but when they disagree with a women, they threaten violence or rape.
Is he also sorry about promising that they’ll refuse to confirm any SCOTUS nominee put forward by a Dem president and possibly bringing about a Constitutional crisis? Or was that also a joke?
This entire election has been so full of gaslighting it’s disgusting.
“CNN says its “completely uncomfortable” w/ Donna Brazile’s interactions with Clinton campaign after email suggests she sent another question”
so far have found any link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government.
Apparently this was ground-softening.
The NeverTrumpers on twitter were all whisper-whispering last night that this stuff may have been shopped around to soften the ground and break through the wall of EMAILS, prompting responses (see NYT) and making everyone’s ears prick up.
Not surprising. Interesting, but still obvious.
She has lovely pictures with children...not as doofy as Obama, more motherly. But they make me feel warm.
Balm for my soul.
My point was that CNN has no high horse to sit upon when it comes to their pundits, not that Brazille didn’t epically fuck up.
They mean aiding the propaganda machine. Or at least I think that’s what they’s hard to tell when they yell we’re being mean about Lewandowski out of the blue when it’s just pointing out that CNN has no high horse to sit upon with pretty much anything.