Possible! I would think they’d be extra careful around someone so entrenched, but who the fuck knows.
Possible! I would think they’d be extra careful around someone so entrenched, but who the fuck knows.
Or maybe a bunch of women fucking hate him, and every other tool that’s behind Donald Trump?
I want to know where she got the questions! Did she actively snoop, or did someone offer it up to more than one person?
Well, you seem to think you know we’re all “record correcting dickbags” and that this is a “talking point” so I corrected you.
Yes. And while it has some good people, it seems it cares more about “The Narrative” now than anything.
Ummm, many of us on here have been complaining about Lewandowski since he started and every time he’s done something gross?
I have no idea if he’s still with Trump Org.
Psssh. The guy assaulted reporters, has said sexual assault is trivial compared to emails, and actively tried to HIDE himself from being seen with his plane rides. I am 100% comfortable assuming the absolute worst about him.
And if Bernie wasn’t expecting and ready to answer a question about lead poisoning in FLINT, he shouldn’t have been on the stage.
Donna wasn’t a journalist either, she was a political contributor/talking head.
Over this? Nah.
I do agree she needs to be gown, and should resign as interim head of the DNC. But just because there’s no paper trail doesn’t mean Lewandowski isn’t doing anything, especially since he’s frequently seen travelling with Trump and he’s a legitimately terrible human. It’s a massive image problem—which CNN loves to…
Yet they have no problem with Lewandowski.
I need to watch this.
Amen, but add to it that no one expects perfection from any of those guys anyway, but do from her.
Because everyone has to make everything as nefarious sounding as it can possibly be, when literally it could be that she had Gmail set up for offline use and forgot about it or didn’t realize there was a regular sync with whatever client she used or something.
I don’t think he was purposefully advocating for committing voter fraud, this man just doesn’t understand the basics of voting. And there are people who legit think he’s qualified for president. Gah.
Rick Wilson—who I hate but I have to admire him standing by his principles—keeps dropping that there’s more. God I hope so.
Fun story: many primates are. When someone in your social circle gets sick, chances are you were eating the same berries/leaves/colobus monkey as them, sooooo....it’s advantageous to automatically throw everything you ate up too.