
That’s protocol in a Radio Shack.

Now would be a good time for that Trump n-word tape.

I developed explosive food poisoning in the middle of a Radio Shack.


He’s going to lose, but I sure as fuck am going to remember every single lawn that had a Trump sign on it. Forever.

Maddow had a segment on a David Souter speech last week re: just this. It was an eerie warning. He asserted than in the presence of an uninformed electorate, democracy fails.

And to a GIRL?!? Unthinkable.

I actually woke up to find I was followed by Pictorial! Someone saw my sad little response. :)

About 70-80% effective for TB meningitis, but for pulmonary or pharyngeal, which is the contageous kind, only about 50-60. Not worthless, not great.

Please keep fighting the good fight. He BS about already waiting to just waste time and money on continuing to go after Clinton made me want to puke.

I’m so sad about this and I’m not even British. I can’t imagine how actual British people feel.

Education creates a Dunning-Kruger effect, they’re educated, so of course they know better about this as well!

Money. Mercer probably told him to shape up, because it’s embarrassing that Trump may not take Utah.

So what this means is Mercer told him to say that, or they wouldn’t support any of his Congress reelection bids.

He can totally look in his daughter’s eyes and tell him he supports all that. He just can’t “endorse” all that.

No, not for TB. Some places in Europe still use the TB vaccine but it’s not particularly effective.



Pretty much. Another Spillover gem! He gives a good rundown of flus and why they’re so volatile.

Spillover discusses the vaccines too!! Such a great book. I need to read again.