
I’m honestly so torn. In theory I 100% agree, but I’m so terrified and his rhetoric makes people unsafe. It makes our democracy unsafe. I’m reaching my level of “be better.” This election is bringing out the worst in everyone and when I see this it feels like a modern day Boston Tea Party. Of course though I’d be

Much like David Fahrenthold*, these men will go down as heroes amongst men in this election.

More epidemiology, and HIV is kind of the closing discussion. It does discuss briefly how butchering an ape potentially led to early infections (more than one) but I wouldn’t call it grossly bloody. Also discussions of some frozen blood specimens.

Oh, you probably already have toxoplasmosis. I probably do too. :P

I’ll take a look!

Thank you! I have no idea how to go about that, though... :/ I’ve never been ungreyed, even before Gawker fell...

As best they could in the 70s...soooooo, not by today’s standards, no. It was exploitative.

I do infection control, and while refugees do have a higher risk theoretically, you’d be surprised how many not-expected-to-be-at-risk (white Americans) have positive PPDs and latent (non-infectious) TB and would never know except it was discovered through a work-up for something else (usually lung cancer).

Because they could, and were driven by the knowledge they could treat hemophilia now. Plus it was the 70s. The book Spillover gives a good easy-read synopsis of it.

The book Spillover dedicates a large section to the spread of HIV and talks this, plus the myth of Patient 0. I’m glad they’re finally officially debunking it. It gives a good background of the possible route of the early infections (plural) with bushmeat hunters, and how it got going, facilitated by a plasma trade

Oh god oh god oh god I hope this doesn’t bring bad karma...

Yes. We need at least two viable parties. It’s sad that someone I wouldn’t trust with a grocery list is more viable than the current crop of Republicans.

It’s like when you’re high, and you come up with ideas that seem super good when high but aren’t, and you’d never actually do them....


Nope. But I’d let them provide the weed for after dinner.

Libertarians may be a good time to hang out, but they should never be tasked with important decisions.

I don’t get how they can use “progressive” as a bad word, when the opposite is “regressive” which is INHERENTLY BAD.

That’s the worst of this. When Glenn Beck is a voice of “reason.”

Nah, because I figure by the time the election is over and she goes back to “normal,” I’ll stop having reason to root for her.