Whimsical Farts


As far as my cooking, there has been little of interest. But I did make that minion cake and also (because she needed a cake on the actual day as well) this giant chocolate thing, liberally sprinkled by children. Enjoy the decor of my living room all scattered with birthday presents.

Yes. And maybe a potato.

YAY! I’ve literally been refreshing this page constantly for the last 20 minutes because this week, I AM PREPARED. WITH PHOTOS.

I have this conversation ALL the time! People are like, “Hijabi Rockstar, isn’t wearing the hijab terribly oppressive?” And I’m like, “Well, I’ve never felt the need to get a cosmetic labiaplasty to look better in my yoga pants, so I’ve got that going for me.”

giving a more youthful look

It’s from the Flight of the Conchords episode when he accidently hooks up with an Aussie. Love their accent more than Austrailians, tbh.

So it was Fostered from the English language.

That is Jermaine Clement, so I feel obligated to mention that he’s from New Zealand. The accent is fairly different.

Reptilians are the only logical answer

omg kara I love you but I think in this instance you mean peek. peak = mountain top, peek = look at. i hate that I’m even saying something about it but I think I have OCD because of all the photographers on Facebook who post “sneak peaks” of baby photos and it’s the only thing on my feed these days

right? that’s why I was wondering...

Wait a second, that wasn’t safe for work!

Apology not accepted Beibs. Be less of a dickbag. Keep going.

I have a good friend who still, to this day, refuses to give up her flip phone because she can T9 text on that thing without looking at the keyboard. She will have full text conversations while in a work meeting, without ever breaking eye contact with her boss. Now THAT’S boss.

Still would.


Still would hit John Taylor as well.

Those guys from Duran Duran. I wanna know what their lifestyle tips are, besides being rich.

Food porn.