Whimsical Farts

Dude, no one said immortality didn’t come with a price.

Take the turkey out and we’re talking though, right?

There are some things that even penicillin can’t fix. That dodgy facial hair for a start.

Ew, gross! Not even as a rebound. If they’re drinking buddies then I hope she’s keeping one eye on her drink at all times.

David Spade seems like one of those guys that you don’t ever want to hug because you just know he’s getting way more out of it than you’re putting into it. He just gives me the creeps.

This is more suprize than smize.

Hahahaha... oh, bless their ignorant wee hearts. That sounds like some of the weird statements of “fact” that my in-laws come out with regards NZ. I know they have the internet, I just can’t figure out why they won’t use it to find out anything even slightly accurate about the place their child now calls home.

Today, and all those other times that John Key has been a DonKey. There’s been so many facepalmwhothefuckvotedforthisknobhead moments that I’ve stopped counting.

That’s much better, thank you. I fear that Key would think that comparing him to Trump was a compliment (*shudder*). I don’t think he’s quite in Trump’s league (yet) but he’s definitely an offensive buffoon with far too much power.

Don’t blame me, I voted Green!

There’s definitely 1 or 2 of the crazier ones that Canada may take off our hands :D

I’m not sure if I’m more offended by the Donald Trump remark or the Australia remark. Thinking about it some more, definitely the latter.

I thought about making a chocolate cake for my co-workers. And then I realised that 1 is dairy intolerant, 1 is gluten intolerant, 1 is an ex-chef and super judgemental of other people’s lunches, and the last 1 is a moron. So then I couldn’t be bothered.

Mine is due to “sandwich.”

I started using aqueous cream to cleanse my face/neck a couple of months ago: my skin tone has improved, my skin feels way softer, all my dry/red/itchy patches have cleared up, and I get ID’d more frequently when I buy booze (I’m in my mid 30’s).

Or “Xenu Xenu Xenu”. Or does that make him appear in a mirror?

I 100% agree with your feelings. It’s very sad, and I can only imagine that it’s a really crappy era to be a teenager/twenty-something in. It’s not even just young people, I’ve seen a lot of small-business-owner friends who have posted on social media in relation to this issue as well. Even as thirty- or

You’re right in that it’s like they’re in middle school, but imagine a world where being the biggest bitch at middle school earned you big money. Their income source is videos that get a lot of views. Being nice and wishing her well probably wouldn’t get the viewing figures that pay well, where something

I have leftover quiche. That does not a tasty sammich make, however it is a very delicious lunch.