Whimsical Farts

Thank you!! Adding the butter in stages sounds sensible. I’ve made (and effed up) mayonnaise many times since my hollandaise attempt so I’ve got a better understanding of how the yolks need to look before the fat is added, so fingers crossed...

I’m thinking they’ve had bad oral. I was super lucky that the first guy I was with was awesome at it, and liked giving it. The villagers rejoiced and many excellent orgasms were had during our time together. The next few guys I dated were all extremely lackluster and had zero technique (and less interest in learning

Yus. This reeks of instability. I hope she doesn’t ragretz it in a few weeks...

It was a few years ago now so I all I can really remember was that there was a bowl over a pot of hot water involved and the end result resembled melted butter as opposed to a lovely thick glossy sauce. The recipe didn’t sound quite right having seen actual chefs make hollandaise on cooking shows since. So yeah, I

Someone with Johnny Depp’s taste level doing up your car for you should be grounds for instant divorce. Amber’s face when she clocks that paint choice says it all....

Whatserface needs to get a dictionary and a sense of humour. Stat.

Oh god I love dumplings. Now I want 1 million dumplings.

That is a very large cake for such a little girl. I hope she shared!! :)

If you’ve got any tips/tricks to offer regards the Hollandaise when you’re out of class tomorrow then please share. The one time I tried to make it it was DISASTROUS so I haven’t tried again. We have poached eggs most weekends and I’d love to pimp them up occasionally.

I found this website a week ago and it’s gotten me ALL kinds of revved up to make more vegetarian meals.

Oh Snacky, no. At least throw a few mushrooms in there for variety!

It’s 10am and my stomach just let out the massivest primal feed-me roar when I read that. DAMN YOU AND YOUR DARK ARTS!

Hot & Sour soup is my favourite and I haven’t been brave enough to try and make it at home so thanks for linking to that recipe - defs going to give that a go!

Vulva la revolución? :D

Don’t worry, there’s WAY more than 3 people: the population of NZ is around 4.47 million and it’s grounds for instant deportation from the country if we say we like the Ozzie accent.

I bought my first yoga pants the other day, and as luck would have it, they do have a crotch gusset. My labia and I are rejoicing.

Holy shitballs. That’s a lot of money. Why is this asshole still allowed to keep his restaurant/employ people?

Illuminati? Lizard people? Definitely something going on there.

I can do with both hands, but I can’t see doing it accidentally.

Lots of people don’t know how much protein is in pulses :) they’re a superfood!