Whimsical Farts

I’m a 32E and the only thing that doesn’t make me look like BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBSBOOBIESBOOBIES is a sports bra. The ones that are made for light-moderate exercise are comfy enough for day to day wear and strap things down juuust enough to make me feel that my male colleagues probably aren’t just sitting there staring at

Wow, seeing them all lined up like that is just weird.

Jesus, 4 years!! It’s great that she’s recovered and doing well.

Not stupid at all, it’s much more stupid to wait until you’re having problems! Seriously, go get one.

This is the best review of apple stuff I have ever read. I actually read parts of it out loud to my boss (my inadvertant snorting and laugh-choking had given away that I wasn’t working so might as well fill him in).

Wow, that sounds so over the top! Sports days must suck. At least ours is just Christmas and then an inevitable mid-year leaving dinner for whichever sales person has managed to find a job that actually pays out the commission they’re promised. We’ve got a dinner (read: crap thai restaurant followed by buckets and

I can understand that she might have processed her feelings about the assault, and have moved on/let go of it. But forgiving him? No. I can’t understand that. It’s possible to move on/let go or whatever you want to call it without actually forgiving him. Those words absolve him of what he did, they allow him to feel

This is exactly my feelings on the subject. Where it gets awkward for me is that I extend that to not wanting to go to the twice a year after-work social functions, and they don’t understand that stance at all. I spent all day with you guys, and you’re nice, and I like having a laugh at work and everything but no, I

Nope :) It was a bit basic and I couldn’t entirely understand what the lyrics were meant to be all of the time because she was swallowing the words a little, but she has a nice enough tone to her voice.

This is all I’ve got:

If you do it, please make sure you take photos of his face as he works it out :)

My boss is one of those annoying “yeah, but when you say you don’t want kids, what you mean is you want kids, right? all women want kids.” people. Hilarious practical joke on him, and 3 month semi-paid holiday for me, that’s a winning idea.

I live in a country where there is a minimum wage, and we don’t tip (unless service was extra awesome/customer just feels like it). And, SURPRISE! We still have fast food outlets! And our restaurant wait-staff are still motivated to be nice to the customers! And these businesses still make a profit!!!

I personally loathe the self checkout machine at the supermarket. It fucks up all the time, and the incessant shouting of instructions is really alienating. I’VE ALREADY ENTERED MY FUCKING PIN USING THE KEYPAD THANKS, WAY AHEAD OF YOU ROBOT CHECKOUTLADY.

I don’t even know why you would wait 10 seconds, just get all up in that.

Whoever did the dying part of the preserving went a bit overboard. Surely it could have been cold smoked and air-dried instead? If it’s good enough for Jamón ibérico, it’s got to be good enough for Gaga.

Oil is what gets me. One moment of inattention and it’s game over.

It’s more like outliner

I had no idea she was a “singer” as well! I love/hate it :D