I would absolutely try this. My mouth is watering just looking at the picture. I haven’t touched a pizza hutt pizza in about 15 years, and I can’t believe that the meat pie pastry tastes like anything other than sawdust but still, I wants it.
I would absolutely try this. My mouth is watering just looking at the picture. I haven’t touched a pizza hutt pizza in about 15 years, and I can’t believe that the meat pie pastry tastes like anything other than sawdust but still, I wants it.
A friend of mine tried it and he said it was excellent. To be fair, he could be punking me.
I think the weed will help you make sense of what you’re trying to eat. Maybe? It might be too bizarre for even weed to help with.
Thank fuck my grandmothers weren’t in on that game. As it is I got saddled with something that I’m constantly having to spell, but I see now that it could have been much, much worse: Kathlemmy / Emleen?
What about tempura kale?!
Mario’s teeth! So white, much canine.
I think my hair just doesn’t hold dye well, the black used to fade just as badly as the red.
Gonna add my 2 cents here: I used to spend unbelievable amounts of money having my hair dyed professionally. I now do it at home myself (garnier nutrisse) and I don’t think anyone can tell the difference - people compliment me on the colour all the time (a very vibrant red - naturally I’m a dull brown+gray). I gave up…
We had a dishwasher at our last house. We’re a foodie couple but we still do not make enough dishes to fill one up, ever. The one time we used the dishwasher it was because we were heading away on holiday early the next morning so the plan was: put night + morning dishes in there, set it going, go on holiday, come…
I think the official term is “us-ie”.
Wow, that just looks like a real good technique for simulating that too-many-fillers-lumpy-trout-pout look. Defs not something I’ll be trying, ever.
I finally got a curling wand a week ago, first attempt I got something kind of like this... unintentionally. It seems I’m better at achieving a wave on one side than the other. Mr was much amused at my attempts to be a Proper Lady What Styles Her Hair. Next time that happens I’m just going to say it’s An Actual Look,…
Oops, my bad, I’d never heard of that particular vinegarsuperpower before. Jokes are better when you don’t have to ‘splain them... soz. :D
I’ve got a tube of 10 year old mascara kicking about if you’re going for that look?
You may mock, but vinegar does do a wonderful job as a bathroom cleaner. I can leave the shower 2 weeks in between cleans, which obvs appeals because I hate cleaning the shower (cleaning out the “trap” makes me gag, I know it’s my own hair but ewwwwwwwwwwwwww).
Haha, nice trick! I might have to use my hasselblad next time and see if I can confuse them with ye olde film camera.
Aw, that sounds both very cute and very annoying! :)
Literally every toddler I have photographed has asked to see the photos of themselves on the back of the camera. Spoiler: none of them are children of celebrities! They’re just regular wee children that are obsessed with photos of themselves because small children are huge narcissists!!
Why would you point that out, whyyyyy?