
My entire family on both sides has fallen into this dynamic. I am the oldest of my generation by my cousins are not far behind. I am in my late 30s and they are all sprinkled among mid to early 30s. Only one of us has a kid (very recently) and none are currently married (only one failed marriage).

Ive just come to assume that, when I hit 67 in 29 years, things like SS will no longer exist. It sucks but finances are a crap-shoot these days. Im nearing 40 and have money saved, almost zero debt (aside from grad school loans), make decent money, and am pretty frugal but its still tough to put away.

I think its a little more simple. There was obviously artificial gravity within the bomber itself (see things falling ‘down’ in the ship). So, obviously, when the bombs are released, they are within that artificial gravity and will act accordingly. Since physics still exist within space, Newton’s First Law of Motion

People need to stop giving them a voice then.

I agree completely. This also has to follow up with continuing to vote and voting often. This only works if people vote not only when its a President or Senator but for state officials.

Just as a point of clarification, the phrase ‘termination’ in no way describes what occurred in an employee leaving. It is the standard work used in any parting of ways between an employee and employer whether it was initiated by the employee or employer.

This is a massive jump in logic.

Im not trying to argue with you on that. I do not pre-order games, typically wait for reviews before even purchasing, and I never pre-order DLCs or expansions. That being said, I can understand why people want transparency in teh case of games like Destiny whose marketing revolved around 10-year visions and world

Ten years ago we didnt have DLCs, micro transactions, or promises of more content. You just bought the game and played through it. The developers have asked that people invest in the future of a game so those consumers now ask the developers to be more open as to where the game is heading before they drop $20 a piece

Exactly. I always have a potential buy go to a 3rd party for a PPI. Id just rather skip that hassle if I already have concerns. Also a large number of previous owners is a red flag with no service history (for upper tier cars). My little old IS300 isnt pristine but I have had it maintained very regularly and have all

Yes, but it also shows that the dealer is actively trying to skirt around my filters to show me something I am not looking for. It is an auto-blacklist in my book as there is no way Im trusting a car that they are selling me.

The other trick is 124 instead of 124,000.

Those two are red flags. I automatically filter out ‘no price listed’ ads when car searching. Also to note is the dealers who just list what your monthly payment ‘could be’ but never disclose the terms that led to that.

I dunno. It looks very much like the FT-1 concept to me.

Im torn when it comes to rotaries. I bought a FD back in 2003 and kept the rotary in it for many many years. Those years were fun but frustrating as well. I ended up swapping in a LS1 back in 2008 and it felt great. It is a apples/oranges comparison between the two motors though.

They started to give a shit in the 80s but you didnt see many of the cars on the production line until the late 80s, early 90s. Most of the Japanese halo cars of the 90s were designed in the 80s.

Because the NYT has a much better reputation than Gawker does because it tend to actually publish facts rather than opinion pieces in an effort to churn out content. Despite what the Cheeto-in-Chief says, the NYT and WaPo still have a pretty sterling reputation for investigative journalism and reporting the facts

Here is what I dont get. Why does anyone have to pick a side before the facts are in? This whole move to ‘publish first’ in the news world has made this even worse because people now want to be told what to believe rather than journalists publishing facts and allowing them to draw their own assumptions.

Agreed. I dont understand how people have come to the belief that asking for an investigation into something is somehow belittling the accusers because their reports are not immediately taken as fact.

Honestly, the media has done this to themselves with the incessant need to ‘break’ news first and then provide a viewpoint on it. While this case seems like a slam dunk as far as the allegations against him, the GOP can fall back on ‘fake news’ because of the continuous barrage of slanted journalism that has plagued