
Wow. Sad to hear this. I had a lot of respect for Roy. I know he was a big friend of Chris Carpenter and I loved their Game 5 duel in 2011. God speed man, you were one of the best ever.

Aside from the winning part

Id say he is more a Kvyat than a Maldonado.

Cruise actually professionally raced for a bit under Paul Newman’s tutelage but he wasnt very good at it. He earned the nickname “See Cruise Crash” due to his over-aggressive driving habits. He had to quit racing due to pressure from the studios who would refuse to insure him if he kept racing. 

You are missing the forest for the trees. There is a difference between reporting the news and everything being opinion pieces. Yes, Kelly has a very naive view on the Civil War and its somewhat distrubing for a man who is in his place. That being said, I dont need someone’s help in making that determination for

Another great SplinterOpinion.com piece. Continuing to help make people’s minds up for them. While people (justly) hate on talking heads like Tucker Carlson, they dont realize that they are doing the exact same thing just from a different point of view.

I was just there for the USGP and we were talking about ‘how much its changed since it opened’ We all had to do a double take. That, VIR, and Laguna are on my bucket list of tracks to drive on.

It pains me to hear CoTA and ‘since high school’ in the same sentence. I still feel like it was built yesterday. Christ Im old :(

I will buy both of car these cars now

Meh, shocker.

Rafi - Thank you. You are one of the few writers on here that seem to actually focus more on the news than having some opinionated slant to what is going on.

Black Clover seems to formulaic to me. Downtrodden guy who is at the bottom of the food chain suddenly finds out he has one of the best powers. Reeks of someone who saw My Hero Academia and said, “I can do that!”

They should really get rid of the ‘news’ part of the name for this site. While I agree with the fact that most of the stuff coming out of DC these days is reprehensible, this site is less and less about reporting news and more about hate filled opinion pieces. Is there some sort of competition in the office about who

Im a tuner but I still have to laugh when others try to sell a car and claim $XX was put into it so that justifies the car being 2-3x what a stock one is worth.

As some one who manages a business and potentially has to deal with complaints related to behavioral misconduct, I can say that to actually implement change, its going to take work from everyone.

My high school offered drivers ed as a part of ‘gym’ class during your sophmore year. Coach Scott was the one who always took the would-be drivers out to learn the ropes. This was in a very small town in VA. During these highly instructional classes, Coach Scott would teach you in real world scenarios such as taking

Agreed but this is not a new trend, especially on here. Anytime some politician comes out against a bad policy, the writers acuse them of an agenda or mock them instead of ‘thank you for taking a stand’. The general thought process seems to be that if you dont think exactly like I do then you are not a good person.

Here is where I have issue. Yes, traitors and slave holders do not need to be glorified through statues. That being said, if we are going to take them down then we should have a plan to replace them.

I guess I am just calling to question the previous article that this one references about the rapper. Im not his biggest fan but he has never shown any leanings towards ‘white power’ groups or Replubican ideals and yet writers on here still cant get away from language like “perhaps unintentionally in Eminem’s case” 

I said it in the last article and I will say it again. I am not a fan of this seeming like its a change for Eminem. Just because some pro-white window lickers may have liked his music in no way means that he wrote the lyrics for them. Thats like saying that NWA was pro frat boy because Trey blasted it in his 3 series