
RIP to a sex trafficker? Do you know how to think for yourself or is this Op Ed site where you truly get all your news from?

Caping for a sex trafficker now? How can you justify ever having an article about oppression or violence against women again and expect to be taken seriously after stanning for this piece of shit sex trafficker? Based on his skin color? Is that really all it takes to feel bad for a man? 

Yes! Wholeheartedly agree. Let’s deflect and shake our fists at the cops instead! Genius hill to die on, clown!

I doubt we agree on much of anything, but as a living breathing human being I’m sorry you went through what you went through. I hope whoever did it rots in hell.

It’s a veritable never ending parade of tin foil hat wearing simpletons, in regards to the regular commenters around here. It’s so much fun how dangerously stupid these people are. Unsurprisingly, most of the usually opinionated and boastful regulars have avoided this articles comment section altogether. Wierd, right?

I was away living my best life, I don’t sit here 24/7 refreshing this garbage like you do. Sorry that you ain’t got shit else going on, I guess?

Bro you are the corniest white dude I’ve ever ran across on the internet.

He’s got zero game when it comes to this. I’m starting to feel bad for the kid, I’m gonna let him off with a warning this time. He’s corny as fuck tho.

Nah son, I like it here. I think I’ll be here for a couple more days. And then I’ll leave, but one night when you’re laying in your bed staring at the ceiling, wondering where life went so wrong (hint: it was the moment you decided to frequent this clickbait website and get enraged by believing every lie and false

Lol makes perfect sense.

Well what you read through then was candy being stolen from a baby. Hope you enjoyed your time on the Root! 

Said Jussie Smollett, to the mirror.

Ok fine I’m sorry. We should reserve the Toby insult to Kaepernick, now that he took that cash money and signed that agreement to not cape for his people anymore. I guess it fits him better.

Oh he definitely gets a government check. I’ll just leave it at that.

Get over yourself kid, there’s no attention here, nobody is reading our exchange but me and you. Nobody gives a single shit what’s said here, everyone’s too busy putting their hand signed grains of sand on the already crowded beach of comments and shitty opinions. It’s just you and me. Thanks for that headspace

Rent. Free.

Just because you say it, doesn’t make it so.

Who’s got time for this nonsense guys, IT’S BLACK OWNED BEAUTY MONTH EVERYBODY!!!

You should have left it at “Kill yourself”.

You live in your moms basement? Color me surprised.