You need to worry more about the wolves setting black people back by miles, and not be letting strangers who comment on dirt sheets live rent free in your dome piece. Free advice for ya.
You need to worry more about the wolves setting black people back by miles, and not be letting strangers who comment on dirt sheets live rent free in your dome piece. Free advice for ya.
Shhhh nothing to see here, tht little tidbit ruins the tantrum.
Just this one, it appears to be plenty. And you still ain’t said shit of note. But I expect that from lemmings. The cliff is ————> thataway. Keep letting these shitty Root bloggers fuck your head all up. I can’t help you.
You can deflect from the matter at hand all you want, I expect desperation and deflecting from people like you. Totally normal behavior, carry on with the victim mentality and watch the world pass you by. Not my problem kid.
Mom jokes? Really? That’s the club you pulled out of the bag?
Well he’s joined some elite company and has succeeded in his venture!
Gary Martin, mass shooter from a couple days ago. Black dude, killed 5 at his work and injured over 20. Or did you not read about that on the Root? Oh never mind, they chose not to cover it.
Gary Martin in Aurora Illinois wants a word with you. But you wouldn’t know about that mass shooting a couple days ago, he was jet black so the Root didn’t cover it.
The only one biased here is you and your ilk. Obviously the kid wasn’t arrested for the pledge. If you believe that you are dangerously stupid. It’s the OTHER SHIT he did, threatening violence which is what had the authorities concerned.
Just sit back and marvel at the number of idiots who commented believing this garbage 🤣
Doesn’t fit the narrative. Whitey bad, whitey cause brother to kill brother anyways, apparently. Chicago is bad whitey fault.
Not gay people though. Just black people, right bigot?
Nobody thinks that it absolves white folks from anything, but what sane people DO recognize is how far this sets back any clawing black people have done up the mountain to gain their rightful place as minority victims.
The difference between me and you is, I can click on these garbage articles for a laugh already knowing it’s sketchy comical virtue signaling trope, but you and people like you click on these to GET YOUR FUCKING ACTUAL NEWS. You take the bait every single time.
There it is. There’s the deflection.
They have enough dumb empty headed sheep who read this site like it’s gospel, they can get away with that type of bullshit. As long as there are stupid people, there will always be the unscrupulous to lead them off the cliff.