
This is better than Bumfights.

Is this guy still alive?

Dear Ghost of Darwin,

Dude REALLY misses his stapler.

I didn’t realize there were so many gay rumors about Tom Hiddleston.

Also, the Social Network was a fucking terrible movie. Like an E! True Hollywood story terrible.

Boy, the number of these types of channels have really exploded since Every Frame a Painting, haven’t they?

I’m agnostic on the draft itself, but if we are going to have it then all citizens who are fit to serve should be required to register.

The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense.

The only thing more offensive than picking your nose with your MIDDLE FINGER like some kind of savage ( I see you Mischa), is Bobby trying to pass off a 34 across as a 34 down! I’m starting to believe those aren’t even the right answers...

I scrolled down while simultaneously digging in my nose only to see a whole page devoted to celebrities who were also digging in their noses. Stars REALLY ARE just like us.

Is Gawker going to be put up for sale via a Kinja Deal?

Maybe not. If he also bought Chipotle for lunch for the employees everyday, Biddle’s janitor job would be a Geneva violation.

What will you do with the other $999,500,000?

I seriously can’t imagine that doesn’t exist...



Good lord. Are you really that blind to your own coverage of Clinton during the primaries? I mean, really.

If the players who volunteered also had middle-school aged sons, that could cause some coalescing.

Fassbender has said that the movie’s sets have a “battered,” used-future quality that evokes the early Star Wars Alien movie.