
When you think of Paris, you probably think of narrow, tree-lined streets.

It’s only one of the many wrong things on this list.


Cigar Aficionado is like the Perfect 10 of lifestyle magazines.

The Trump ending is the one where the Citadel shoots out a brown beam and everyone dies.

I fully expect him to say, “I am your salvation through your destruction.”

She’s trying to bring back full bush, that’s all.

Eh. I think kids learn the wrong message from Daniel Tiger, namely that the central conflict of each episode centers on Daniel Tiger getting pissed off and acting like a dick, and not the resolution of the feelings that make him act like a dick.

Agreed: the jetpack stuff in particular looked a little ME 1 to me.

Ok, I’m not a car guy, but even I’m kinda drooling.

Pretty foggy, I bet. And then, just before the cameras fail, a supermassive computer, just thinking away.

I’m betting that most of them watch instant replays thinking “He might make it this time!” too.

Did you notice the epitaph reads “Made America HATE Again”?

Or Munich would just be the world’s largest open-air prison.

In particular the line “public spaces.” So if it happened in someone’s home, then it is assault? That law is a whole bucket of WAT.

Bruce is convinced that Superman is just too powerful to be allowed to continue being Super—because, as he says, if there’s even a one percent chance that Superman is our enemy, we have to treat it as a 100 percent certainty.

Are we sure he’s not just a serial rapist?



Travolta owns his own plane. Bags fly free.