
Your answer is right there in your second sentence: “This is business school.”

If you’re not masturbating with money, you’re not masturbating properly.

I think part of the problem was that the initial search was in the wrong place, because the Indian Ocean was not the projected flight path. As far as I know, expanding the search westward from Australia didn’t even start for at least ten days to a few weeks after the plane went missing, and even then, was hampered by

I still don’t understand how Warren has survived even a few years in the Senate without eye rolling or face palming herself to death. Being honest and smart in the midst of a body dominated by shallow, cynical dumbfucks must be exhausting.

Don’t be so sure. I can imagine there being lots of groaning and “Oh, Gods” when reading a Frantzen novel.

“Watch me read” livestream on Twitch becomes the new sex-tape?

I feel the same way about Jonathan Frantzen. I’d say her numbers are a little below my threshold for Franzen (TFF).

It looks great. Why did they have to cast the kid from Ender’s Game. He is the worst.

“My God, it’s full of cat dicks.”

Star barf.

I saw a trailer for it when I went to see “The Good Dinosaur” around Thanksgiving.

She’s already apologizing for it on social media.

Quinoa is so much better than tofu. Two different animals, and only one of them’s a poison toad.

Or takes a shit.

Also: all milk is disgusting, and should only be used for:

I know it won’t mean much coming from me, but don’t blame yourself. You made a very hard decision, but it was the right one, and kind to both of your children.

Only to stupid people.

The movie wasn’t that great. Her character was kind of obnoxious.

Kinfolk, man.

So that we can cut all the funding to support them once they were born.