
They are prolife, as long as that life aligns with what they deem acceptable.

Lifehacker had a really good post on how to start practicing eye contact. Basically for a week you try to look at everyone's eyes just long enough to decipher their eye color.

@shak_diesel: Agreed. I can't believe how many people break this rule.

@EponineT: Not really crass, just a fact.

@EponineT: It's in reference to the Weight Watchers business. As someone who is on WW, I can vouch for that.

@RousseMacabre, from Ravenclaw: Yes, I recognize my own symptoms now, and as she says, I know when to get help, which is so important. My depression leads to loss of appetite and weight loss.

In the last picture, she looks at her dog like he is such a dissapointment.

@KingCouth: I didn't understand this as well.

@helen.skor: I really love the phrase "I will end you."

I was dumped recently and was shocked that some were happy to see me so miserable.

@they call me ginger: Yes, I agree. I think if I were a woman in the party, I would think "Really? This woman?" But I am sure there are many wonderful women in the Republican party.

The thing that saddened me the most when Palin was announced as VP candidate is that this was apparently the best female candidate the Republican party could come up with.

@NellMood: I will rectify that! In reference to that fact that the groom says he doesn't know where all this attention is coming from.

@NellMood: This flash mob is the Taylor Swift of flash mobs.

I like the kid in the left corner at the 40 second mark, because that is totally me every time I go to the mall.

@HRH Your Cuntness: Ooh, I didn't think about Randy Quaid. I hate to say it, but maybe Jeff Bridges?

If he cut off contact, then she isn't the one ending things. But, yes that guy is an ass.