
Jezebel needs to do an online dating tips post.

@alula: I am so excited for the Hunger Games and really hope they cast Steinfeld with Moretz as Prim.

You know that when she heard about this part, she just took it because she thought the clothes would be ironic and cool.

@JennaW: I have wondered this exact same thing. Will this violence be the end of her career? Or will it only lead to more violence?

This post made me super hungry.

At the time that she started this program, the Internet was not readily available. It does seem like WW is a preferable option time since there was no fitday.com or thedailyplate.

I hope the baby doesn't get the same case of sexyface she is sporting in that picture.

One fun game I like to play while watching Hoarders is "Spot the Febreeze." One of the two featured Hoarders will have a bottle of Febreeze somewhere amongst the madness. I'm not kidding. I have spotted it on every show. It is such a harsh example of "arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic."

@Tequila Cinco: The book that was written after that story aired was pretty amazing.

I would really love to be at one of these photo shoots. Honestly. I just wonder who is in charge of it, how many different props they use and all that.

Total nightmare fuel.

@OverThatRainbow: Me too, however I like to watch the Biggest Loser while eating so I guess that's a fail.

@ChoirGrrl: No, I was his former student, but it creeped me out because this is someone I really respected and it was just dissapointing.

I have proven this through my empirical field research. I got dumped three months ago, and in the meantime, every creepy guy has come out of the woodwork.

@Hazel: Who would you cast as Gale and Peeta? I hope that they don't cast people who are insanely older.

@godelsgirl: She says basically that in her book. She tells most of the women on her show to straighten their hair and that the redheaded look is "not the freshest look."

@eruantaliel: That's what I was thinking. I became severely depressed after I got my period (later) and while it was mostly due to environmental factors, I have a feeling now that some of it must have been hormonal.

Phew, at least she has straight hair with not a trace of red in it. Guys can't love anyone else.