
Next up, Super Nanny. Then Teen Moms. Then I am sure she will make an appearance on Real World and then Intervention, then Sunset Daze and finally she may make an appearance on Family Plots.

Ma'am I was from the Class of 1996, and you ma'am are no Class of 1996.

They count the tiles at the beginning. At the tournaments I went to, they have the tiles arranged in the corners so that you see they are all there.


There are different versions of the game. Our buddies on the other side of the pond play SOWPODS, while we use the OSPD as the official dictionary.

Well, I could technically, but I am just not that sort of person. I think it would also be very confusing, and I am pretty practical.

My first name is Sunny and the only problem with it is that I can't use it for my child's name.

I love that the kid even acts happy about the snacks.

I have about 5 of these. I like them but two of them had the plastic break off within the span of a year.

Yikes! I remember her saying something about "produce." I guess it's just hard to believe ANYONE would say something like that.

Can I get a link on that one? I don't remember her saying anything like that.

A lot of this show is confusing.

Restaurants are also a good place to work if you are flatulent.

I knew a kid that would fart behind her mom silently when they were in public and walk away.

This is the sole reason I got a dog.

Farts will never stop being funny. Never.

I currently work IN a library, but I am not a librarian. I just got my degree a month ago.

Ha ha. Now someone give me a job!

I worked at Borders in the early 2000's and I disagree with quite a lot of these.

For a site that is known for shoes, they are highlighting some seriously fugly one in this ad.