
If you replace that latte in her hand with a salad, Taylor makes a good stock photo.

@Hazel: I was just going to post this! Here's hoping the cast her.

@singing_femmebot: I thought that they meant each individual store was locked to prevent the teens from getting to the people and or merchandise. I could be wrong though.

@SlayBeau: Yeah, that and a good jogging bra is really all you need (but in this weather, a good sweatshirt is also needed.).

I highly recommend the Couch to 5K program. It starts you off by walking a few minutes then running a minute, then walking then running and so on. It prepares your body to run. At the end of nine weeks, you should be able to run a 5k non-stop.

I will wear a skirt or dress once a week.

@AynBeaDavisAsMalice: I love her too. She is so funny. Although I can imagine being her mom would be tiring.

Can we have a frank discussion about the other families featured on the show?

I really can't tell if the guy in the video is homeless or an aging hipster.

@Not-Shattered: Yeah, I don't work in a place where I meet a lot of people (and I mostly work with women) and now tht I am out of college, I go out less and less.

This looks like the best awkward family photo ever.

I have a name that could go either way depending on spelling, but is generally thought of as a girl's name. It is mostly known for being an adjective though.

I don't think it's so much that women are "stingy" with the lubrication around this man, so much as when he opens his mouth, it makes women dry up like the Sahara.

Find somebody to love. Thought it worked out in 2010, turns out, not so much.

Ulta has a no questions asked return policy.

@stylista: He was also in one with Julia Roberts, but that one did slightly better.

@regazza.di.lupo: So what else is good for a ratings boost? Road trip!

Ooh, then she can see Cuba from her house!