
God bless you. I had the volume off for work reasons and would have never known this happened.

“Pharrell and Timbaland did wonders for his career.” - Every pop music act since 1996

And just like that, tweeting and internet commenting went away forever.

Man, someone really enjoyed their Soc 203 course this past semester.

Damnit. I was really hoping to be the one to make that connection. Congrats.

Why would she marry someone she didn’t know?

And I love it when obvious jokes are taken as seriously held beliefs.

Right. I’m aware of that. I could very easily see a point in which we use the fact that it’s a disease to excuse criminal behavior.

I just posted this elsewhere but it’s relevant here too: we’re not far off from excusing violent crime because the criminal was an alcoholic/addict. It’s a scary thought, in my opinion.

I do have concerns about what our liberalization of drugs and alcohol will do to the courts. I fear that we’re not far off from setting a precedent that addiction will become justification to avoid jail time. We’ve already seen it creep into the business world, with addiction being classified as a disease, businesses


Jesus dude. Is that a seahawk and mariner logo combined into one?

Isn’t VRBO an established competitor? I don’t know what their policy is regarding racism, but I do they exist.

I see your little Simpsons reference there.

TBF, Iglesias & DesCa-whatever-the-fuck are on the DL. They should help.

I feel like a review of a review is basically long internet comment. Which would make this comment some sort of entrance to a wormhole.

That’s another reason people are pissed. The council members effectively erased a ton of progress already made by old members who represented the will of the people. The current members were not supposed to be voting on the idea of the stadium, but they used the vote to do so. Some of those members who voted no were

Well no, but adding to the municipalities quality of life is definitely in their interest.

That’s not really accurate. The eastside certainly isn’t like that. Both the north & south ends (lynwoods, seatacs, etc) have huge immigration populations and though a little grimy, certainly aren’t backwoods southern state like. I’ll give you Kent/Auburn area but even those places are faux-country.

You ok?