
Kind of ableist of you, though, isn’t it?

You’re close. He misses being able to say it without someone being totally gay about it.

I do find them funny but agree that their sketches do go on for too long.

I think, if you’re not the kind of person who puts on a shit eating grin the moment you read the title, then this film probably isn’t for you.

No it’s not and you know it. Our city is rich as shit and we can afford to act as a lender. It’s 200 million (that we’re getting back btw, with interest) not some insane number.

What about the stuff you can’t put a number on like multiple NFC Championship games? I’d say that right there makes it worth it. I’m sorry it doesn’t pencil out on your unbiased stadium audits.

“The man who broke in to La Isla a week ago was high on pcp” Well in which case, carry on!

What’s that make your response?

I truly agree with you about the forgiving and working on the relationship. I think what rubs me wrong way is that Beyonce portrayed herself as this “no nonsense, doesn’t take any bullshit from anyone” artist and I’m now finding out that is the furthest thing from the truth.

So, I was at the grocery store and saw a product that used that acronym. I did a quick scan to see if her name was listed, as if she were promoting a brand or something, but didn’t see it. The mystery continues.

I know at some point in time it became passe to talk about boners on this site but I’m breaking etiquette for this one. Things changed a lot for 10 year old me that evening and all in a very good way.

I’d rock that shit tomorrow but I’m sure I’d be accused of exercising my white supremacy or some bullshit.