Yeah have fun getting your average moron to admit or even understand that issue. If there is one thing covid showed me is that a large amount of our population is missing the critical thinking portion of their mind.
Yeah have fun getting your average moron to admit or even understand that issue. If there is one thing covid showed me is that a large amount of our population is missing the critical thinking portion of their mind.
I’m honestly surprised that with the rise in concern for microplastics—and that tires appear to be a major source of them—hasn’t lead to calls for improvements on how we contain them from roads, or reduce them from being generated in the first place. I fully support more EV’s, but the fact they wear out tires faster…
Something about his face sets off my “scammer” alarms. Maybe the fake smile with dead eyes?
Don’t worry, he’s just trying to gatekeep based on qualities that he (conveniently) meets.
My truck doesn’t have an 8-foot bed, but it does a hell of a lot of towing. Exactly the kind of work I bought it for, quite capably.
Dave, a champion of black folk? The same miserable prick that not only spoke out against low-income housing (which helps those in need including POC), but threatened to pull his investment in the city over it? That champion of black folk??
The problem is that when people dip their toes into the alt right now, they find that the water is juuuuust fine, and not only that, it’s a huge, warm lake ready to embrace them with the soothing waters of grievance and once they’re underneath the cozy waters they look up and see a refracted world that is just…
Go back to Logic class, because your ‘argument’ is circular and unsound.
The idea behind a minimum wage when FDR instituted it was that anyone who worked 40 hours a week deserved to make enough to live on. It rewarded honest work with an honest paycheck. Telling someone to get a ‘real’ job is unhelpful and condescending, and demeans the work of millions. ‘Entry Level’ should not mean ‘Pover…
I have more sympathy for Uber drivers, because at the end of the day, Uber is a scam. It’s a taxi company that has done an end-run around nearly all taxi regulation while offloading the single biggest expense of taxis, the car, to the drivers. Who they treat like shit.
I absolutely think it’s less ugly than the cybertruck
But MAH FREE MARKET! The government can try to regulate it but the shitheads who went to Washington to destroy rule of law are happy to shoot down any legislation that would actually benefit people, especially if Musk and Co. promised said shitheads a nice donation in exchange for killing the bill.
It’s lovely that I have to see that thirsty twat’s name and/or face a half-dozen times before 9 a.m. pretty much every weekday.
Nah. Stay mad about it tho.
“They’re annoyed at the enormity at which those things happen, often seeming extremely deliberate in it’s attack on “straight white men”
Oh come on. As a straight white man, absolutely none of those stories with female or minority or LGBTQ even remotely feel like an “attack”. You know why? Because I’m a well adjusted…
I couldn't get into Futurama because John Futurama never showed up *once*.
This is a hilarious instance to get upset about what you’re claiming though. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is already a deliberate attack on the straight white male protagonist. Scott Pilgrim is not a likable character (that was a big part of why I had mixed feelings about the movie). The point is that he’s a selfish…
Nah, it was actually great, and a majority of the criticism comes from people who can’t process stories they don’t immediately relate to.
People incapable of character growth hate character growth.
I have no way to know whether she’s fun or not, but she’s absolutely right. These ads are glamourising [sic not sic] the exact behaviours [sic not sic] and attitudes that are destroying our climate and environment and will be killing us at an accelerating rate. So I guess I don’t give a fuck about her personality.