
Step1 : steal cars

Soviet and Communist aren’t synonyms by a long shot. 

Hybrid, all the way.

Uh, what? This smells like bullshit to me.

My Chevy Bolt uses about 29Kwh to drive 100 miles.
I pay .25 per Kw to charge at home. That’s $7.25 for 100 miles.

My gas car gets about 22 mpg combined, for 100 miles that’s 4.5 gallons @ $4/gal = $18 in regular gas for 100 miles.

Every single dish described here sounds fucking disgusting.

LMAO Okay TomatoFace. And it is you. I took the time to trace this account back to it’s original comment as an enthusiastic pro-Biden poster in the twilight of the age of Splinter. My question is, how do you keep track of all these damn accounts and manage to resurrect them after not using them for a long time. It’s

No leader of the house was elected today It happens.”

That is just a staggering level of false equivalency. So much so I don’t even know where to begin.

I’m surprised Trump didn’t buy it and make it the new Airforce One. It’s probably perfectly gaudy and tacky enough inside for the troll with zero taste.

Can you fit a guillotine on a jetski though?

Show me on the doll where Maya Rudolph hurt you, honey.

This may be the truest statement I will read today. 

Not bad. You held it together for 4 whole sentences before you let your inner child out. Might have been able to make a salient point ... but no, you had to go to childish insults, which just totally cut the legs off from anything else you might have said.


There’s nothing more pathetic than some incel simping for Musk. Seek help.

Screw Chick-fil-A, I want to work for this mythical company:

Indeed. Divorces can take years and if there’s a watertight financial control order in place, I can’t see it being dissolved overnight.

People who like to abuse people, like to be in positions that allow them to abuse people.

Like the cop who handed a naked, drugged, underage boy with a hole in his head back to Jeffrey Dahmer? A cop who not only got his job back, but later became president of the Milwaukee Police Association?

Of all the things to pick to claim that Walker helped the cops with, “mental health situations”? Really? Sure he did, the same way Matt Gaetz runs workshops on helping teenagers spot predators.