Buzzer noise.... wrong....
Buzzer noise.... wrong....
Depends on what you mean by “right”. If meaning going around pretending that the virus was no biggie, refused to get vaccinated and hence did the lion’s share of the dying..... then yeah... Guess they did the “right” thing...
It probably follows class division pretty closely. This is really just the logical conclusion to cannibalizing’s the middle class for 1% gains.
Police are measured the same way you likely are for your job - by tick marks. In their case the primary tick mark is arrests and closed cases.
This video is 45 minutes and worth watching every second. No matter how innocent you are, DO NOT talk to the police.
Tilapia somehow tastes like mud to me. I avoid it as well.
We don’t have those fish around here, but I would certainly eat them! I am mostly vegetarian but I cannot give up fish. I must have been some sort of marine animal in a previous life. Living on the Gulf Coast, a lot of people turn up their noses at mackerel and mullet (trash fish), but those are two of my favorites.…
I mean the alternative is us eating them, so paying taxes on a yacht seems fair in that context.
I don’t think it makes sense to look at this thing’s features, we need to actually look at how it is being used. Is it constantly docked, and somebody lives in there? It’s a house. Does it move around a lot and is only docked temporarily, and nobody lives in there when it’s docked? It’s a boat.
> So the Government can burn that money under the auspice of “Common Good”, and yet that money also helped pay for Pfizer to run commercials during the NCAA tourney and sponsor the freakin’ Oscars?
Membership for living in this country requires everyone to pay an amount to keep a certain standard of living. Do you like roads? Living in an area of the country where there are too many dirt roads, I can tell you that is not a solution, and even then they need upkeep.
Some people think that the rich had to commit crimes to get that way, and taxation is a just punishment.
Sounds good to me.
Based on what my dietician has informed me, it’s actually everything that tastes GOOD that’s bad for you.
Jail is for criminals. Fraud is a crime.
Hope you didn't missed his support for the thin blue line 🤢
“He did what he did to help people.”