thanks for taking the time to construct this, it’s exactly right and deserves all of the stars. there’s a lot of pointless shit here but this ranks among the dumbest of and most pointless.
thanks for taking the time to construct this, it’s exactly right and deserves all of the stars. there’s a lot of pointless shit here but this ranks among the dumbest of and most pointless.
I love how he and the other GMG hacks keep trying to make this out to be like it’s something from The Wicker Man or Midsommar. Even when it was unquestionably a racist event ran by a racist organization, it was still just a fucking beauty pageant/debutante ball. It wasn’t like the “Battle Royal” chapter from Ellison’s …
This was fantastic. Thank you for your service.
“Yes, because that doesn’t happen at countless other events (e.g. proms, homecomings, parades, quinceañeras) for teen girls and women of every fucking ethnic group.”
I’m going to dissect this bullshit one bit at a time:
because we all know that the apology story always gets as much traction as the smear, especially on a shitty website as this.
Now, almost a full week later, Kemper has finally decided to respond to the controversy by posting a statement on Instagram in which she distances herself from “the organization” (she doesn’t name it) and says that she “was old enough” at the time to have learned about it before getting involved.
It’s a good apology. Mine would probably sound like:
I was surprised by the other article and it’s invertebrate analysis of this ‘controversy’; Sam Barsanti is a different story, his idiotic ramblings are just his version of professional blogging. He’s got the editorial talent of a goat.
yepyepyep, I’m sure Sam feels better having gotten his pound of flesh lol
I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
It’s somewhat ironic that, in trying to defend cancel culture, you’ve provided an example of one of its more insidious effects on the discourse.
Glad you felt it was worth it. No food would ever be worth that much to me, especially if I’m taking it to cook myself.
So very much this. Dad was a jerk and owes her an apology, a 28"-er and probably 100 smackers. To start.
The real story hear is trying to charge $50 a pound for meat. Get the fuck out of here.
Even if she IS a “professional eater” (can’t believe that’s a phrase anyone has ever said out loud seriously), you’re out $100 and the cost of the pizza in exchange for the free advertising that comes from her posting about it on youtube. How dumb do you have to be to decide that’s not worth it? Sheesh.
It’s also not a new story. I read an article on this (I want to say last year?) and she talked about how she came from a super privileged, wealthy background and her embarrassment over her participation in this ball. I’m trying to find it now but every page of google is dominated by this latest news.
We really doing this? Really? I mean we have Texas trying to take away the right to vote for anyone that isn’t white, actually seasons their food and can clap on the 2 & 4 and this is what you’re concerned with? I am all for multi-tasking but I am also for priorities and this ain’t it. Unless you have footage of her…
Lol, what?