
Sooo, what happens now, that initial $2M bond is forfeited if he is determined having scuppered/is re-arrested? One can only hope!

In the name of unity and coming together I think it’s best if we just let this proud American patriot live his life. He’s a good kid with bright future who shouldn’t be defined by partisan rancor. Punishing him now wouldn’t do any good anyway, it’s practically unconstitutional.

I was trying to imagine what would happen to a POC in the same situation, but of course they wouldn’t have survived being arrested, so it’s moot.


My biggest issue with the Switch isn’t the battery, but that the fucking thing can’t handle mesh wi-fi networks. If I move to another room, I have to manually reconnect to the nearest node. How they could release a portable console in 2016 and not test against common household tech still baffles me, let alone not

It wasn’t a bloody pump and dump. It was taking advantage of hedge funds that had gone severely overboard in shorting the stock, squeezing them for huge amounts of money because their positions had gone from dangerous to awful thanks to good news that had nothing to do with r/WSB (the new major investor taking over

I...understand he had his issues, to put it gently. But even so, cancer is shitty and it ended a life that still had potential. Fuck cancer.

Really? I find him to be kind of a douche 

Any cult leader worth his salt tests the congregation to see how loyal they really are. Making all that kool-aid just to have no one drink it would be pretty embarrassing.


So, it’s more like the game was always rigged, but in this case enough of the players got together to rig it against the house this one time, and now the house is really pissed about it.

Thanks for your summary, I think its sad that a lot of the “underworld” traders out still think this is merely a pump and dump scheme.

The problem with burning down the house is that you end up causing a shit ton of collateral damage in the process. Easy to say that behind a computer screen, but in actual practice...

There’s been one filed in the SD of NY

This was going to be inevitable. Eventually the big boys would flex their muscles and shut this shit down.

The question is: What does WSB do about this? If they are who they say they are, and are truly doing this for “the little guys,” I think their only choice is to go into full on activism. Because regardless of how

A real quick catch-up for anyone who feels behind on this:

However it is deeply unsatisfying watching the forces that be saying “I got you” and kicking out the Reddit shit-posters to cover for the dude-bros.

That has to be the next logical step here, right?

I don’t understand any of this except that I assume the game was always rigged and the house always win.