
Good real estate investment opportunity right there...

Awwww....So sad.

Who on god’s green earth puts it on the outside?

Funny you should mention that, I need digital camera film for my 4K analog camcorder. I am inclined to offer up this bridge I own in trade. In a month, when everything is better and COVID is gone, you can come set up a toll booth and retire!

Three solo films and one big hum-dinger ensemble to pull it all together.

More movie universes need to do anthologies.

I thought it was socialist radicals that ignored the law and were ruining the social order. Turns out, when you pull it’s mask off, it’s a middle-aged white dude followed by at least three other stereotypes come-to-life.

Is this the decade of the Cutthroat Island remake?

I love my Ryzen 5 fragbox.

I get that :-)

You could build a mission-control station of a desktop rig. for 2700 dollars. That includes a pair of 31" monitors.

Just play Elder Scrolls: Online if you want in on the beta.

Seeing armed people in public doesn’t make me feel safe or “polite”. I makes me feel fear that a pretty big uncontrollable variable has just entered your personal space.

Elon and his fake-ass Libertarian bullshit. He can get fucked.

Fuck you Musk. Leave. Take your cyber-baby, and your roll of nickels and go. You have the freedom and privilege of being able to do that on a whim. Lucky-fucking-you.

So uh...Spoilers and all that...

In another universe, Ahsoka would be the founder of the Jedi Gray Knights.

I think that’s one of the ones who tested positive...breathing and mouth-flapping all over a crowd of people not spacing out.

The casualty numbers ar easy.

Let’s all thank Ronnie Reagan and most (if not all) of the following POTUS line for dismantling the safety net in order to satisfy a quietly racist voting majority.