People who handwave this epidemic fail to grasp that it isn’t so much that it is massively deadlier than influenza - It’s just way more contagious.
People who handwave this epidemic fail to grasp that it isn’t so much that it is massively deadlier than influenza - It’s just way more contagious.
Well to be fair, they probably thought that since it was good for the Michigoose...
Some AMAZING painting weather there. My window recommendation stands.
Ahem....when you dropped this lovely turd on the Jalopnik deck.
Do you actually know how anything about growing food?
In a foot of snow.
Hmmm...BS from Cornell. Helped design parts for boeing vs...Someone who literally believes the earth is flat.
Bill Nye is definitely a shelter-in-placer.
Well it does...and then they just whine about not getting as much healthcare as the immigrants and their anchor babies do.
So paint much in Winter? with snow on the ground and temps at or below freezing?
Dear lord how will i get this coffee off of my keyboard!
Using an asshole for a shirt-collar tends to rob the brain of precious oxygen...
...I’m not a conservative. I can, and do, think for myself....
Cry more for us.
Dude...The conspiracy theories are absolutely bonkers right now. Apparently “Dr.” Fauci (lol the quotation marks are for real” is an Obama Deep-state plant that worked with the Chinese to engineer a pandemic to allow the New World ORder to rise up and stomp freedum to death.
Earth? That shithole?
A LOT. And the mod scene is off the hook. If you only use one - try Calamity. There’s RPG mods and a ton of other stuff, but that’s the best standalone mod with over 700 new items plus new music, monsters, and bosses.
Terraria > Minecraft