

Just think of all the new cars Doordash drivers will buy when they can get 20 bucks a run!!!?

The fiddle was to drown out the screams.

My boss straight-up told us everything was fine and that we didn’t have a WFH protocol and besides there’s no reason to WFH as it’s safe here.

Ossified workflows from 40+ years ago mixed with the olds instinctual rejection of technology leaves my office unable to WFH, so we are all sitting here doing basically nothing but hitting refresh on Google news while our bosses wait fro someone higher up to tell them what to do.

Butts-in-seats as a policy is boomer shit. Maybe the ‘Rona will remove that too.

Just wait until the layoffs begin!

Those and having his professional life tethered to the interests that own him + a bit of craven spinelessness. It’s the only way to explain it.

Pollution never stays put though. And this kind of operation is exactly the kind of thing we need to be curtailing - regardless of who owns the land for similar reasons.

Easy solution. Make 1/3rd of the bikes, and charge twice as much. Lay off the excess workers, make vague “Libruls” and “Regulashins” digs in your advertising, and milk that demographic like a cow.


See: Scalise, Steve - Got shot by a deranged person and thinks that’s fine because of 2nd Amendment.

Fair and reasonable response noted.

itch.io is full of goodness as well.


Burn them out. Wherever they hide, follow them with cleansing flame. 

In Mother Russia, it is Climate that changes YOU!

I am astounded by how many people have these boogeyman “facts” about unions that are complete bullshit.