
Larsen declined to name the gang when I asked, citing a fear for his personal safety, having dropped out in 2007. His lawyer made several statements that hinted at the gang’s white supremacist roots.

Larsen declined to name the gang when I asked, citing a fear for his personal safety, having dropped out in 2007. His lawyer made several statements that hinted at the gang’s white supremacist roots—a cursory Google search of Larsen’s name and review of court documents from his case revealed it was a neo-Nazi group

I did my part, I went 3/4 Goth.  The establishment was on notice.


Guessing it’s that whiny teen-girl type with all the moaning and stifled angsty rage.

lol, somebody didn’t watch Gangs of New York.  

Was this the infamous Gateway all-hands email?

Being on the good-guys team shouldn’t protect you from doing your job and not being a twat.

And the Red Army left millions and millions of dead in their wake as the purging moved across their lands.

There is something extra-satisfying about the thought of smashing Alt-right Nazis...organically.

So is he copying the Julian assange look, or vice-versa?

Just add mushrooms. It’s easy. About a 1/4 to a 1/3 by volume and you have a much more nutritious burger that actually gains flavor from the adulteration.

lol “tended”.

What’s the mystery?  Mother didn’t approve, obviously.

Nope.  Either fake bullshit or a MAGA fantasist. Most of this doesn’t even make any sense.


What would you call the opposite of Patriotism?

The whole time i read that I kept thinking “he’s gonna mention St. Louis” but it never happened.

Please don’t project on my food porn.

We just saw that happen almost two long years ago.