
I love that word :-)

“The bottom line is that these projections show a loss of a total of 698,771 union members by the end of the fiscal year,” the report says. “The resulting total per capita revenue reduction for the federation is $3.5M.”

Somebody got anointed by the DNC :-/

Except China is already blowing our doors off in the clean energy and environmental remediation game.

My grandpa forgets shit he says all the time. Sometimes mid-sentence. He’s three years younger than Biden, and also lived a soft life of white-collar privilege.


Most are salty about “how she’s going about it” or some other nonsense reason.

Or try something even better!

With the bigger cut of the sale, they are still making out better than a typical Steam summer sale would leave them.

How in the hell can you square this crace-baiting garbage:

yeah...the people deciding to go to war aren’t actually going to fight it. 

Yeah...anybody standing within 100' of that car is dead.

Considering the alternative we’ve been using - and the collateral damage - I don’t see a huge problem here.


I read through all of that and you didn’t even get to talk to the fucking crab!?

Still, this is hardly the first time fandoms have demanded ridiculous, unreasonable things from creators because they felt they were owed something better. From the controversy surrounding the ending to Mass Effect 3 to the more recent redesign of a certain fast, blue hedgehog, fans of pop culture have perhaps never

So less killings per capita, but more African Americans by far.


While this may sound like a routine case, it highlights the immunity to scrutiny that privilege applies. In 2013, Murrah was arrested and subsequently pleaded guilty to five counts of credit card fraud. She was sentenced to three years probation and yet somehow, the woman who was actually convicted of fraud was